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PARTIALLY SOLVED: Blank Pages after upgrading to 2.0.26a

Started by jermo5, January 03, 2014, 22:09:57 PM

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I was running 2.0.10 and I am upgrading on my local computer (running MAMP) to 2.0.26a.
I upgraded by manually downloading the ZIP and using the Joomla Extension Manager to install the new version. I then used the Virtuemart AIO live update to update the AIO.

Everything went fine, and most of our product pages appear fine, but it seems when we have a product with CUSTOM FIELDS I get a completely blank page on the front-end. If I remove all of the custom fields the page works fine.

I would love to try debugging this myself but I see nothing in any error logs on my machine, even if I have Virtuemart debug mode on, the product page simply shows a blank page with nothing in "View Source".

Anyone have ideas on what might be causing this? Or ideas on how to debug BLANK page issues?




For blank pages check the server error log file, as it is an indication of a 500 error which are all recorded in the log.
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

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Quote from: jenkinhill on January 04, 2014, 00:40:04 AM
For blank pages check the server error log file, as it is an indication of a 500 error which are all recorded in the log.

That's what's so strange. There are no errors showing in apache log, php log or MySQL log. I've turned on Joomla and Virtuemart debug modes and still nothing.

We use a custom template. Is it possible our template needs to be upgraded too?


Could be the template. Awitch to Beez to see if that works, as this will not use any template overrides.

IF that works then you may need to rebuild any template overrides. There were big changes with the 2.0.22c security release, and the project leader, Milbo, recommended:  "In case of an update from a pretty old version, it might be better to start with the original vm2.0.22c layouts and reimplement the customisations."
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

Please mention your VirtueMart, Joomla and PHP versions when asking a question in this forum


When you upload the files manually, remind to execute the table updaters in the migration/tools view. Furthermore I suggest you try to use the latest config file
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Quote from: jenkinhill on January 04, 2014, 12:32:30 PM
Could be the template. Awitch to Beez to see if that works, as this will not use any template overrides.

IF that works then you may need to rebuild any template overrides. There were big changes with the 2.0.22c security release, and the project leader, Milbo, recommended:  "In case of an update from a pretty old version, it might be better to start with the original vm2.0.22c layouts and reimplement the customisations."

Thanks for the great info. I switched to Beez as my template and still have the same exact blank page issues. I get the blank page when I am either LOGGED IN as a Joomla user, OR when I am logged out but viewing a product that has custom fields configured for it.

Quote from: Milbo on January 04, 2014, 14:52:26 PM
When you upload the files manually, remind to execute the table updaters in the migration/tools view. Furthermore I suggest you try to use the latest config file

I downloaded the latest config.php file from that thread and it didn't seem to change anything. But maybe we can take this in baby-steps and first figure out why my com_virtuemart.log.php file is not being created? Even after I used that latest config.php file you mentioned, the log file is not being created in /log/ folder? Even if I manually create the log file in that folder and give full permissions to everyone, it still doesn't add to the log file. Thoughts?


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Quote from: Milbo on January 06, 2014, 22:06:06 PM
Please try and just use the normal installer. Just install it over your version.

I installed 2.0.26b using the regular Joomla Installer (Extensions Manager) and I still have the blank page issue. It does not appear to have changed anything. And my com_virtuemart.log.php file is still not being written to either.


Quote from: jermo5 on January 08, 2014, 17:02:18 PM
Quote from: Milbo on January 06, 2014, 22:06:06 PM
Please try and just use the normal installer. Just install it over your version.

I installed 2.0.26b using the regular Joomla Installer (Extensions Manager) and I still have the blank page issue. It does not appear to have changed anything. And my com_virtuemart.log.php file is still not being written to either.

So I found an older version of Akeeba Backup that supported Joomla 2.5.4 and installed that on my live site and did a FULL BACKUP and restored it to my localhost and it solved HALF of my Virtuemart problem. I no longer get blank pages on VM products that have custom fields associated with it.

But I STILL have the problem with blank pages ONLY when I am trying to access a VM product while I am LOGGED IN with a Joomla user account. If I stay logged out it works fine! But once I log in, then try to access a VM product page it shows a blank page with nothing in the logs. I am going to start a separate thread on this since it is slightly different from my original post in this thread.


Should I fix your bug, please support the VirtueMart project and become a member
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Quote from: Milbo on January 14, 2014, 18:07:54 PM
Did you tried version D already?

I wasn't aware there was a version D. Could you provide a link?


Should I fix your bug, please support the VirtueMart project and become a member
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Quote from: Milbo on January 14, 2014, 18:27:58 PM

Unfortunately this "d" update made it worse. I now can't view virtuemart products regardless of whether I am logged in or logged out. Before I could view products when I was logged out, but not while logged in. Just a blank page on both and no log file generated.