Need to reduce length of invoice description being sent to payment Gateway

Started by, December 16, 2013, 05:30:51 AM

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I have a issue where a long invoice description is generating a "Error to proceeding with your request: E6012 Invalid Payment Invoice Description " after they click 'confirm purchase' btn.

I contacted eWay and they said it is due to the Invoice Description that's being passed to eWay is exceeding the 64 character limit.

-Virtuemart uses the product description to generate the invoice description. If someone purchases a lot of products at once the total invoice description exceeds the payment gateways limit, causing the order to fail.

Does anyone know a way to either limit the invoice description, or replace it with a generic message etc?


    Virtuemart 2.0.20b
    eWay's VirtueMart Rapid 3.0 Module
    Joomla 2.5.16
    SEF urls
    Custom built template

live site:,1-15

I have spent hours searching but it doesn't seem to be discussed online anywhere.

Huge thanks in advance.

If I can provide any more information to make my situation clearer please let me know as I would really love some assistance on this issue and dont know where to start.

Huge thanks,