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Show Unit Price in Price Column in Checkout

Started by PatrickVisser, October 21, 2013, 05:11:14 AM

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Have seen many people post about this type of  issue, but have not found an answer that has worked for me yet.

In our checkout where you see the contents of your cart, the third column is labelled "Price:". When we first enabled a one page checkout extension the default settings didn't show any price in this column at all. Looking in the backend settings I have found the checkbox "Discounted Price without tax" under configuration/pricing. I have checked this as this is the only option that actually shows a price in there (none of the other options do anything for this column, the column remains blank on the front end).

The problem is, our client requires the unit price of the individual item including gst to appear in this column.
So far I have been unsuccessful in working the code in default_cartlist.php or default_pricelist.php to show the base price without tax in there instead or even the salesprice.

I am attaching an image of what our client has emailed us saying what he wants to show in the cart. The top image is what we had been working on, the image below is what the ideal result our client wants.

Is there any help anyone can suggest please?

Am using Virtuemart 2.0.20b with the VP One Page Checkout v1.4b extension.

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You will need to talk to your OPC provider

You should also consider upgrading to the lates VM version VM 2.0.24 (note:this will not solve your issue)

Joomla 4.4.5
php 8.1


Ok, thank you for your feedback. Just thought to try my luck on here first.


Have been in contact with the OPC provider and he is saying it is not his issue, he thinks it is to do with virtuemart...are there any more suggestions about this please? Nothing appears in the price column if I don't select the 'Discounted Price without tax' option even if I enable the 'base price with tax without discounts'.


solved it, just a bit of coding change in default_pricelist.php and default_cartlist.php  :)


Hi PatrickVisser - I am having a similar issue except in my case each product line in the cart is showing the whole cart total rather than the unit total, could you elaborate on what you did to resolve your issue - hopefully it will lead me to solving mine  :-\