States are not propagating when I select United States as country

Started by OnTrackMarketing, July 26, 2013, 20:28:33 PM

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I have installed virtuemart 2.0.20b and was able to set up my store and have since had an order. But states are not propagating in store. I had to call the customer to determine what state to ship to.

I have tried to upgrade to 2.0.22a but get error "Invalid Token, in store config" I have totally uninstalled the components and the plugins and have tried to reinstall the latest version but get failed to upload file in both tar.gz and zip formats

Furthermore I can create custom field cart attributes and while I can see them in the custom fields of the product they are not saving like they do on other virtuemart applications I have on other sites.

Is it a template issue? A permission issue? Conflict with Jom Social? Help!


1st dont use the live update.

I never do.


MAKE SURE if you are usingh akeebah admin tools, to "switch to the standard joomla installer"

for the states, its usually a template issue JS conflict

OR sometimes its a security component, sef component, OR server issue blocking the request


j'ai moi aussi un soucis avec le champ "State..." il ne veut pas se remplir quand je choisis les Etats Unis, mais seulement dans la langue anglaise !
En français cela fonctionne correctement !
Je ne vois pas d'où cela peut provenir ...

J'ai essayer de changer de template, de désactiver les js ...
pas de résultats

Merci par avance pour votre aide