error on payement methode Fatal error: Call to undefined method plgVmPaymentPayp

Started by berges, September 12, 2013, 20:28:03 PM

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hello on my site i can't load load checkout page (2.0.22c or d)
Fatal error: Call to undefined method plgVmPaymentPaypal::convert_condition_amount() in /home/capucine/public_html/plugins/vmpayment/paypal/paypal.php on line 881
i change payement methode same thing ...
impossible to load page checkout
thanks for any help

Maxim Pishnyak

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QuoteFatal error: Call to undefined method plgVmPaymentPaypal::convert_condition_amount() in /home/capucine/public_html/plugins/vmpayment/paypal/paypal.php on line 881
It looks like that you have updated the AIO without update the core.
Is it the reason?


Hi I have very recently inherited a Joomla site with Virtual Mart and I think I ran the updater in the site ... and am getting this error (this post is the only hit I am getting on Google)... I have since found this page  which recommends NOT doing this *awesome* and too late.  As I did not install this service .. and to be honest Joomla is a mess to my eyes .. can you briefly explain what has happened what is the AIO? , steps to go back to the previous or how complete the install ... or some links explaining the above.

Your Help would be MUCH appreciated.  I have done some googleing but I guess simply don't want to make it worse.. my last site back up is 10 days old and I only want to go back to that if I absolutely have too as I don't want to loose the order history / other changes.


I restored the files system (keeping the database as the order history would be in place still) from the back up (after making a newer backup of the 'broken system') and I can now go through to PayPal and the payment details are shown and can be process on the Paypal site ... this seems to have got the site back to working  - but I'm not confident the updates have effected the database or other things are broken I have not yet found.

Is thier a guide to how to perform updates manually  - since the nice flashing 'updates available button' breaks it.

UPDATE:..Actually .. If I cancel the transaction from PayPal I get this message  "Can't process workflow, contact the shopowner. Status is X"  on the Cart page.  X???  great.