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Matching URLS after upgrade/migration to VM2

Started by idbrokers, October 10, 2013, 11:15:22 AM

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I am getting towards the end of a tortuos migration from Joomla1.5 and VM1.1.9 to current versions and apart from a couple of small matters to resolve I am just about there. One of the major issues I have that I can't figure out is how to match the URLS to the old version (for Google) - do I need to do some kind of magical rewrite in Joomla/Virtuemart or am I best trying to deal with this via .htaccess and google webmaster ? The site has some age now and it would be a pointless/destructive exercise if all the Google links out there where lost.

OLD URL - golfbuddy-gps-rangefinders?page=shop.browse&category_id=3

NEW URL - index.php/component/virtuemart/view/category/virtuemart_category_id/3


Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

Please mention your VirtueMart, Joomla and PHP versions when asking a question in this forum


I have used this component very successfully - the free edition should be fine for your needs

I use it for all my redirects, it may be useful for you as well

Joomla 4.4.5
php 8.1