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Standard/Free payment not working for free items

Started by newsomjk, October 11, 2013, 05:02:07 AM

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We set up a paypal plugin that works fine for processing credit cards.

We don't want people to have to go through the process for free items, so we set up a payment method called "Free" using standard pay...

Order status for pending transactions: confirmed
send invoice on total = 0: yes
minimum amount: 00
maximum amount: 0.01

Payment method: standard
published: yes

And when we add an item to the cart that's free and try to check out, it just says "You're order has been processed, thank you." and the cart doesn't empty out. Where are we going wrong here?

Also, the same thing happens for an item with value that you use a 100% off coupon on.

Maxim Pishnyak

Maybe 'Free' product should have 0.001 price and maximum amount should have 0.001 also?
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This may or may not be related to this thread, but here goes... using Joomla 2.5.14 & VM 2.0.24
I have a site that offers a free product the only caveat is user has to pay for shipping. When a user adds the free product to the cart the shipping methods and fees function properly, however the Select Payment Method is not visible .If I make the price .01 it works fine. So my question is how can a price of 0 trigger the Select Payment to be available... this is absolutely needed to pay for the shipping.


I have the price set to 0.001 in the product params, and minimum order set to 0.001 in Payment Method  config ( any other ideas?


Same problem here.

I set up a Free payment method using Standard pay setting the status to be "Confirmed by shopper"

It just says "You're order has been processed, thank you.", the cart doesn't empty out, no order mail is sent to the vendor and status remains Pending.
Mail system works (I can receive system mail and invoice if I change the status in the backend).

Any solution?