Need to know how to manually migrate userinfo from vm 1.0.9 to current

Started by pierre, September 11, 2013, 21:08:05 PM

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Something went wrong on a migration from joomla 1.x and vm 1.0.9 to current, none of my userinfo carried over.  I still have the users in Joomla's user manager, but I dont have their addresses and other info in VM.

I am a database novice, but what i have done so far is open the old userinfo table and the new one and compare the data

The new vm userinfo table has 26 columns,
The old vm userinfo table has 20 columns,

The missing six columns from the old db to the new are
created by
modified by
locked on
locked by

on the old db the virtuemart_userinfo_id appears to be a hash
on the new db it is just a number, going up incrementally for each new user

virtuemart_country_id appears to have gone from a three letter code like 'USA' to a number '223'
virtuemart_state_id has gone from a two letter code like 'WI' to a number '50'

I only have to worry about united states and canada.

What do I have to do to get this data from the old db to the new one?

Maxim Pishnyak

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No, I have not ever used CSVI before.  I will take a look and see if it can help me.