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Translation not work

Started by Karl30, September 04, 2013, 22:03:23 PM

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Joomla 2.5
Virtuemart 2.0.22c

Please...I need your help....

I set two languages ​​in virtuemart/joomla, but when I update to 2.0.22c version, the translation crashed...

I do the following:
1 - Create a New product
2 - SAVE
3 - Change the language in dropbox ( Javascript Alert: No (en-gb) translation in Product, please fill the fields with Flags)
4 - Change the name and description of the product
5 - SAVE

- The product name and description were changed only in the default language.
- I don't have translation in en-gb...

What is happening?



I dont' see this post before I answer to this one (
I've the same problem too!!!!!  :( :( :( :(
Do you solve in some way?
It's the first time that I see this bug since I use Virtuemart 2 multilanguage feature!

Maxim Pishnyak

You need to try latest version of VM - 'd'.
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EDIT : All problem fixes with answers given on this post :
Hello everyone.
I've got the same problem.
I updated virtuemart to 2.022.D but it did'nt get better.

By the way, the flags DON'T appear when i select another language in the language dropdown menu (i get the popup message asking to fill labels with flags, but no flag appear). Then, if i change a label (ie name or alias), it changes for the default langauge, not for the language defined by the language dropdown.

I've got another copy of this website, with virtuemart 2.0.22B. There, flags appear and multilanguage modifications actually get saved.

PS : Sorry for my english, it's a bit rusty.


The missing (en-gb) flag seems to be caused by a missing line in the file ...\administrator\components\com_virtuemart\assets\css\menu_images.css.
You may try to add the following line after line 226:
td.flag-gb,.flag-gb{ background: url(../images/flag/gb.png) no-repeat 0 0; padding-left:20px !important;}
This fix is in the SVN already (for the next release).

I can't reproduce your label problem. When I change the product name in my second language, it is saved in the selected language correctly.
Non-English Shops: Are your language files up to date?


Hello JJK.
Actually, both problems have been fixed by upgrading to 2.0.22D + updating the css file.
That's why i edited my last post to add the post where i found all the appropriate answers.
Anyway, thank you for your answer :)