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Serious Problem on updated VM 2.0.22b

Started by chris_pap87, September 02, 2013, 13:02:55 PM

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Hello everyone,

i have a serious problem that i noticed today.. I have updated the VM to the latest version 2.0.22b and when i'm adding a product into the cart, then automatically browse me to the cart page but none item is apearred into the cart and the customers can't order our products...

Please i need your help urgently...

What can i do to fix this problem..?


I presume this is  ?

What version did you upgrade from? WE know that some people have had problems with the Gavick template and VM updates, eg

With all that gk javascript on the site and being unable to find a proper product details page it is not really possible to test the add to cart. Maybe you need to check with Gavick if they have updates for their template overrides.
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

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