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Error in core file for klarna? klarnahandler.php

Started by ceitean, July 31, 2013, 22:16:41 PM

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There seems to be an error in the klarnahandler.php file for the klarna payments plugin. This occurs only when handling discounts.
around line 442 the following does not pick up the correct price:
$price = $basePriceWithTax = !empty($item->basePriceWithTax) ? $item->basePriceWithTax : $item->product_final_price;

it seems as the $basePriceWithTax is always zero and the product_final_price is picked which will lead to calculation of discounts erroneously. 

i replaced it with this line and its is better but not perfect since there are small rounding errors.
$price = $item->product_final_price + $item->product_subtotal_discount;

The best would be if the system uses the product_basePriceWithTax correctly.

Does anybody have a better solution for this?

Tested on Virtuemart 2.0.22a and Joomla! 2.5.11