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Partial Refunds in Paypal is causing stock errors

Started by websister, July 30, 2013, 17:02:03 PM

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We are using virtuemart 2.0.10 and the standard paypal payment plugin.

When we issue a partial refund in paypal (and we often have to do this),  unfortunately paypal sends a full cancellation notice to virtuemart.
This then adds all the products back to stock (but without setting the status back to canceled?!?!). 
This is causing massive problems with our stock.

Is there a way to solve this problem?
For example to stop virtuemart acting on this notice from paypal so that we can manually add the correct products back into stock?

Thanks for yout help ...



Quotevirtuemart 2.0.10
Hum... yes it was not handled correctly because at that time there was no difference between partial refund, and refund.

In newer version some improvments have been done.
The refund or partial refund is done in Paypal, which sends a IPN to VM. VM updates the order status according to the payment configuration.
You have to create a new order status.

If you cannot update the full virtuemart, you can may be take the paypal plugin code from the latest stable version, and test if this will solve your stock problem.
The paypal plugin should be compatible with VM2.0.10. Please test it first.