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Virtuemart language files

Started by eliasmamo, July 23, 2013, 13:23:15 PM

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As i understood most of language files are in /languages and /administrator/languages, but i cannot find few lines of text in those files for Virtuemart2. Please help me locate those. Here is the pic of what i need to translate to another language. Sorry i only have russian version of text, but if you're familliar with order proccess in vm2 you can recognize the page . This is a part of the page which is output by order_done.php layout of virtuemart2 views, this is the line that outputs the three lines of code i underlined.

echo $this->html;
in a view.html.php i found how html property is formed

private function lOrderDone() {
        $html = JRequest::getVar('html', JText::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_ORDER_PROCESSED'), 'default', 'STRING', JREQUEST_ALLOWRAW);
        $this->assignRef('html', $html);

        //Show Thank you page or error due payment plugins like paypal express

I couldnt follow it up further (im a newbe to joomla and virtuemart2). Maybe someone knows? Beforehand thanks!


Found two of the constants in Vmpayment plugin
/administrator/language/plg.vmpayment_standard (i think exact language file will depend on payment method)
the text i needed to fix was in

but could not find the currency tag text constant there, anyone can help?


I'm not shure if this is what you are searching for:
The currency symbol in VirtueMart is set in the Configuration > Currencies > Russian ruble > Currency Symbol field.
Non-English Shops: Are your language files up to date?


Unfortunately its not what i need. These symbols are used for something else. But thank anyway!