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Final Price not showing up correctly after migration

Started by elainemarley, July 09, 2013, 18:22:30 PM

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So I've made a migration to 2.5 and I had a bit of trouble but now everything works more or less as before except for one thing: prices!

This is what I see in my backend:

And this is my database:

You can see there the final price is 35, and that's what the backend and frontend should be showing, but instead they both pick the base price. I could see that the frontend was a mistake in my code, but how about the backend? If the database says final price is 35, why isn't it showing it there?


Any advice? Anything else I could give to add to the information previously posted?


The table you show is Orders, not the product price.  The product price is stored in #_virtuemart_product_prices table, and only the cost price is stored unless you use a price override, in which case that is stored as well. The other prices such as final price are calculated on the fly accodring to your tax/calculation rules. In your case it looks like no rules are set.

BTW you have not stated what you upgradede from and what VM version you are using.
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

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Sorry I forgot that:
- Old Joomla Version: 1.5.23
- Current Joomla version: 2.5.11
- Old VM version: 1.1.7
- Current VM version: 2.0.2a

After the upgrade I had to use the script from someone in this forum to get the multiple images to show up but basically the rest was ok.

On the table you say I have 0 for all products on `override` and `product_override_price`, the other price is the base price.


Also right now I'm working locally with mamp before everything is sorted and the site can go live so my php is 5.4.10


Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

Please mention your VirtueMart, Joomla and PHP versions when asking a question in this forum


I did not make this website originally, I am only in charge of the update of everything and migration so this is what I had originally:

And this is what I got now.

It's the first time I ever use virtuemart (and joomla for that matter) so I'm probably missing something here since I don't see clearly how to set up the taxes on the new version of the plugin.

I went and look to the taxes & calculation rates and that was empty but I can't find that part in the old website. Do I have to add it there and it will work fine or should it have changed alone after migration but something else went wrong?


Well yeah that was it, I added the vat in that section and now it's all fine and dandy, I wonder why that didn't go through in the migration...

I hope I'm not missing anything else like that for that matter!


Rules are not migrated as the way they are applied now is totally different and far more flexible than in previous VM versions.
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

Please mention your VirtueMart, Joomla and PHP versions when asking a question in this forum