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Can't Save the Configuration File

Started by controlledfate, June 25, 2013, 23:16:26 PM

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I was able to install the latest version of VirtueMart onto a Joomla 2.5 website. When I was in the administrative control panel > Components > VirtueMart > Configuration page, it's not allowing me to save the file? I read that disabling the google_jquery setting in the virtuemart.cfg file may work after a data clear; no such luck for me. I also read that uninstalling and reinstalling a different version may work; that created the same issues for me.

Is there any fixes out there that will allow me to save the configuration? It maybe a permissions issue, because the little pictures and icons appear blank in the back-end of VirtueMart as well.


Can anyone tell me if this is a permissions issue?

If so, which files and folders do I need to change the permissions of in order to save the Configuration screen in the back-end?


I would have thought this to be a simple fix like "make sure you change the permissions on the such-and-such file to 777"...

I see a lot of people asking this same question, without any resolution? Is there any reason why the "Save" button is not working in the back-end of VirtueMart?


Please give time for people to read & maybe reply. You must at the minimum allow for time zones. See

You do not precisly descibe the versions you are using (to me "latest" is 2.0.21g) -

It sounds like you have a vendor issue. See the FAQ here
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

Please mention your VirtueMart, Joomla and PHP versions when asking a question in this forum


Quote from: controlledfate on June 26, 2013, 04:30:10 AM
I see a lot of people asking this same question, without any resolution? Is there any reason why the "Save" button is not working in the back-end of VirtueMart?

Ah lot of people? Most threads about this are very old. And the configuration is NOT stored in a normal file, it is in the db
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