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Possible bug with the currency of the product in the calculations

Started by Angel Julian Mena, June 17, 2013, 16:05:50 PM

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Angel Julian Mena


Need that prices of the variants were converted from the currency you put in the product, in the section on cost.

After breaking my head change at various sites
$ productCurrency
$ this-> _Product-> product_currency

as always $ productCurrency not produce any security.

It may be this a bug?

Because after making those two changes I see that I do in most places because if not the shopping cart I applied the final price well either because the value of the custom fields


Pd. apologies for my English


I am not sure if I understood you right.

But the prices of the customfields took always the shopcurrency and not the product currency. This is fixed in the 2.0.21E, please check here
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