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Guys! need your help! virtuemart 2 redirects to homepage after login- cart stage

Started by Jessica28, July 26, 2013, 14:38:42 PM

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Hello guys,
Please help with the following problem.
Our store works in English however we have problem in French. (Virtuemart 2.0.20b and Joomla 2.5.9)

When user browse the site in French and adds product to the cart there is no problem UP UNTIL he gets to login or register page, if he chooses to login [problem 1]-  virtuemart redirects him to homepage English version ???!
and if he chooses to register [problem 2] it redirects him to instead of /fr/

Please note that I don't use any translation plugins but only the core with VM also not any SEO addons... just the one from VM (enabled) - btw I tested with disabled and it's the same.

I have spend hours searching for solution and some tips on this forum, hopefully someone can help!

Thank you all!


Posting your question in several forum sections usually doesn't improve your chance to receive a reply. Without seeing your shop, we can only guess what is wrong.
I would suggest that you check if you have one copy of the joomla login module with the language tag set to French and a second copy of the of the Joomla login module with the language tag set to English. If you want to keep the original login module, which has the language tag set to 'All' as the default value, unpublish it.
Non-English Shops: Are your language files up to date?


Sorry about posting it in several sections, I wasn't sure if people check the languages/translation section so I decided to posted in the general as well.
Thank you for your suggestions, I will check that and reply shortly.


The last sentence in my previous reply was "And of course you need menu item with a french language tag linking to the french login module and an english menu item with an english language tag inking to the english login module."
Disregard that! It's not required.
Non-English Shops: Are your language files up to date?


I have tried the module option and it didn't work, as for the problem I am referring to is the second step login on the checkout process.

Please let me know if you have any other ideas, I will really appreciate it!


I suppose you have one or both of these VM configuration > Checkout settings enabled:
On checkout, ask for registration    
Only registered users can checkout

In my own shop I disabled both, so I don't see such a problem. However, if the user gets redirected to the homepage, the problem often is a wrong multilanguage setting somewhere.
Non-English Shops: Are your language files up to date?



Do you have the same problem when you disable "On checkout, ask for registration"?
Non-English Shops: Are your language files up to date?