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»back« button only on child products

Started by olliek, April 18, 2013, 15:21:30 PM

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I have different variations of child products and have override the plugin of the value of the parent .
With the override, the dropdowns on the childs are unfortunately no longer displayed. User can't choose other child or parent.
I'd searched in the forum, but there is no solution for this important problem.
Now I have the idea, to put a »back« button in the template. But is it possible to show them in ontop position only in child articles (instead the dropdown from parent)?

Or is there any other solution or fix to show the child product dropbdown on child products which have other variants?

Thank you

K&K media production

You can make a template override. Look with your own PHP function if the product is a child product and it it's true, display a link to the parent.

Or wait until vm 2.2 is out, in this version the custom fields are changed.