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Show multiple prices+custom currencies

Started by FusionNetwork, April 09, 2013, 17:49:49 PM

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I'm trying to use Virtuemart as an Meal Planner/Diet Planner (don't laugh :))) since I am familiar with vm and did not find any dedicated component for that.

Functionality: Let's say We have category "Meat" and there we have "Pork", "Chicken", "Beef", etc.. For each product I have to display calories, proteins, lipids, carbohydrates and fibre. Values for these are, lets say per gram so the quantity is in grams. I'm thinking to make custom currencies for calories, proteins....
The user selects the quantity (the "price" in our case  calories, proteins, ...) should multiplied by quantity, ads products to chart  (meal) and then when he checks out he receives his meal by email. No need for shipping or billing, user just needs to create an account.
This is the basic functionality


1. How to display multiple custom currencies. I've tried to "disable" vendor currency but with no luck.
2. Initial quantity is 1 gram so when the user enters 100 grams the "prices" (calories, proteins, etc.) should be multiplied by the quantity.
3. Can I bypass billing and shipping considering that I'm using "prices" for calories, proteins, etc.?

Joomla 2.5.9
Virtuemart 2.0.20b

Any ideas/suggestions



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