serious VM2 error when using gift vouchers/coupons - when checkout is zero

Started by tomhaus, November 23, 2012, 11:47:39 AM

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I am using AwoCoupon Pro to provide gift vouchers on a website.
It works great with VM2 2.0.14-  the lastest version today.
However there is a major bug, which makes virtuemart completely unuseable.

A customer has a gift voucher for the value of £50 and uses it to purchase goods with a smaller value, lets say £25.
When they have entered their coupon code, they will be left with no balance to pay (zero).
When virtuemart checkouts and sends the information to payment gateway it will always come back with an error as you cannot process a transaction for the amount of zero. (I am using sagepay, but you will get a similar error from paypal etc)
Surely I am not the only person who has this problem?  I have been scouring forums for an answer, and so far I do not have one.

Can anyone help?




I have a similar issue too... The order is not confirmed and can not process when I have a 100% discount coupon and paypal =$0  - I need to go in the backend and change the order status to confirmed.... They must be something I can do to change this???


I am using the payment plugin and I get the same error.  When checkout is zero because the coupon is 100% of price, VM requires the card and then fails on the payment.  This is a serious error and needs to be fixed ASAP.
