Istraxx Offline Card Processing - not showing as default or saving

Started by broll, February 06, 2013, 16:07:12 PM

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I have
Joomla 2.5.8
Virtuemart 2.0.18a

I am currently using the Istraxx offline card processing plugin by alatak

I have:
Set the default payment method as required, enabled the plugin and published the payment method.

No other payment methods.

SSL enabled

No country settings in accounts or the card payment plugin (I understand that these either have to match or not be present)

Where the problem lies:

customers can place orders and checkout
although the default shipment method works fine a customer is always asked to select a payment method even though  the offline card processing is set up correctly as the default.

So a customer has to select payment every time and then hit the radio button on the following screen.

When on this screen the card details can then be placed and the order can be checked out.

So, it works, but the process does not flow and may deter customers.

I wish the payment method to show as default, not present me with a radio button that is easy to miss and then possibly lose orders.

I must stress that everything is enabled correctly as per the instructions because the plugin does work and allows transactions, it is merely that the steps towards final checkout do not seem right.


If the offline credit card processing is your only payment method, you can select 'Enable Automatic Selected Shipment?' in VM2 Configuration > Checkout tab.
Non-English Shops: Are your language files up to date?