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Language change problem

Started by fuldfart, November 14, 2012, 16:11:46 PM

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Concering the serbian latin version - Joomla uses sr-YU as the serbian language file prefix (although Yugoslavia doesn't exist anymore - Joomla guys are a little bit slow...:-).
So in order to make the VM2 serbian latin translation visible to Joomla, you would have to exchange all occurences of sr@latin with sr-YU in the language file names and the xml file content and folder names.

I did install serbian latin after doing the above changes on one of my test sites and it seems to work. I didn't set up the serbian frontend menus, so I don't see serbian in the frontend yet, but the backend seems to work, as you can see in the first screenshot below.

Concerning the safe path:
It's a little bit difficult to find out what your server requires.
In order to get a hint, you can search for "upload_tmp_dir" in your Joomla system information.
In my case it says something like /var/www/web00/phptmp/

In this case /var/www/web00 would be the server path to your root directory. So if you have a folder "files", which you want to use for the safe path, the VM2 safe path would be /var/www/web00/files/

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Non-English Shops: Are your language files up to date?


On your website the VirtueMart AIO (All in One plugins and modules) is not installed. Apparently you forgot to install that part of VirtueMart.
If you download VirtueMart, the zip file has to be extracted (unzipped) once. That will give you two zip files. One is the main VirtueMart extension, the second one is the 'AIO' zip file, which installs all required modules and plugins. See here:
So the first thing you have to do is to install the VirtueMart AIO files using the Joomla Extension Manager.

Concerning your language files:
In Joomla, your en-GB and sr-YU language files are ok. Please remove your sr-RS in Joomla administration - Language Manager. Do not use the file you see under "Update available". Although there is an automatically generated sr-RS language pack (from the Transifex files for VirtueMart, the most important files are not yet translated into Serbian, so it doesn't make a lot of sense to install it.

Also, you can delete the sr@latin folder via FTP. The problem with the sr@latin language pack is, that Transifex uses 'sr@latin' as a prefix while Joomla uses sr-YU. Joomla doesn't understand sr@latin.
After you removed sr-RS via the Extension Manager and the sr@latin folders via FTP, make shure your Joomla frontend (site) language is set to sr-YU as the default language.
Then install the Virtuemart sr-YU language pack I've attached below with the Joomla Extension Manager.

Note that you need to create menu items with links to your VirtueMart shop (similar to creating menu items for Joomla articles), if your customers shall see the shop frontend.

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Non-English Shops: Are your language files up to date?


i have this error now JJK, and same with tar.gz installation files...

[attachment cleanup by admin]


This is with tar.gz....

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That looks like this problem:
If you want to try to delete leftovers from the previous Virtuemart installation in your database, please make a backup of your site (with akeeba) and maybe an extra backup of your database (export with phpmyadmin) first and download the backups to your own computer - just in case something else goes wrong when you clean up the database.

If you are afraid of working with the database, I could try this evening. But I can't guarantee that it works afterwards.
This kind of problem is why I prefer to build new websites on my own computer using It makes a lot of things easier while you are learning how to use and set up various components.
Non-English Shops: Are your language files up to date?