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Migration vm1.x to vm2 direct from database (phpmyadmin)

Started by lindapowers, December 12, 2012, 15:06:40 PM

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Simple questions, can I just move tables from VM1 renamed them to VM2 prefix at database directly?

Do they use the same structure etc?

If you wonder why we want to do this instead of using the migration tools is cause our shop is currently live (1.1x version) and we want to keep it online and meanwhile design the new site and just copy all the data in a few months.

Is this possible just using the database tables?


Joseph Kwan

No. You can use jUpgrade as well as the migration tools that come with vm 2. But it is tricky to use, though. There is some instruction found in this forum. Will need some time to search.
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Joseph Kwan

Sorry I have misread your question.
Anyway, the data structure is completely different. You can made a clone of the site before doing the upgrade.
Joomla/VM Upgrade Services. Problems with your migration? We can help.
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Hi Joseph, thanks for reply.

I can make a clone on a test url live or local but meanwhile our shop is online and users keep registering and making orders so new data is being entered daily.

My doubt was on how could we copy all that new data from the live site to the clone.

The only thing we can do is wait until we can close the website while we migrate and design everything no?

I'm just wondering how people actually do a migration from a live site, they just close the website for some time and migrate to the new one? that feels too risky no?


Joseph Kwan

You have to put the live site online offline to do final migration. Just refrain from updating the products/components/modules/plugins during the upgrade phase. Or you need to manually update both the live site and the dev site.
Joomla/VM Upgrade Services. Problems with your migration? We can help.
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Thanks Joseph.

Last question.

In phpmyadmin: What if I copy the tables from VM1 from the live site to the tables of VM1 in the developing site and use the import data tool from VM2 in the developing site.

Could this be a solution to update the data from VM in to the new website?


Joseph Kwan

Conceptually that is OK. If you have a VM2 site already built, you can copy the vm1 data using phpmyadmin to the dev site and use the migration tool. However, the vm user data is integrated to the joomla user data as well. So you need to port the joomla users across at the same time.
Unless you can build your vm2 site instantly after the migration of vm1 data, this is pretty much still a 3-step process. You port the vm data to the dev site and then build the site. After the dev site is tested perfect, you will need to port the vm data(pretty much just the user data) together with the joomla users again so that the dev site will contain all the latest users and orders.
This last step is further made complex if you are upgrading Joomla from 1.5 to 2.5 (which is probably one of the main purposes of upgrading your site) because Joomla 2.5 user structure differs from Joomla 1.5 drastically. You cannot do that by simply copying the datatables using phpmyadmin.

Joomla/VM Upgrade Services. Problems with your migration? We can help.
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So what you say If I understand correctly is that if I could migrate users from joomla 1.5 to 2.5 and then migrate the tables via phpmyadmin from VM 1.x to VM 2 it would be possible to update all the data at the dev site.

Maybe this component solves the user export from joomla 1.5 to 2.5

The problem I see is migrating the adress phone etc which I guess is stored at VM.

Also this post by moderator PRO here confused me even more :P

"Here is how I moved over my users, and orders ONLY. AFTER starting a clean 2.5 and Vmart 2.0

Take a copy of your Old Joomla 1.5 site.

Install it on a test domain.
Run Jupgrade

Then, Rename your Virtuemart folders.

Then, install 2.0 on it.

Then run the migrator.


BACKUP your NEW site BEFORE going forward.

FROM your NEW database. DROP



EXPORT those same tables from the site you Jupgraded, and import into the new database."

Anyway ill test and see what happens

Joseph Kwan

Yes. The concept is correct.
jUpgrade will help to migrate the vm data as well. So, you only need to migrate vm data manually unless you build the Joomla 2.5 site from scratch.

The steps you extracted from PRO's suggestion is correct except that the virtuemart 2.0 user tables are missing in the list.
Joomla/VM Upgrade Services. Problems with your migration? We can help.
Custom extensions to VM. Performance Tuning. Template modifications and advices.
Pay service to make VM work according to your needs. Your Joomla/VM solutions are just a PM away.


Thanks a lot for the info Joseph

I found and interesting article for moving users from joomla 1.5  to 2.5 via phpmyadmin.



Imho not the correct way lindapowers.

It is quite easy and if you have a standard vm1 store you can do hte migration without being offline, you just set catalogue mode,.. and then you do it, if it does not work, you can switch back to vm1.

Just use akeeba, make a backup of your old page.
install it locally
rename the com_virtuemart folders
use jupgrade and upgrade joomla
install vm2 OVER the old installation, you renamed the folders, so you have only vm2 files in the com_virtuemart folders.

You still have the old vm1 information in the db, it is not touched.
Now use the migrator delivered with vm2, play with it, find the correct settings, maybe you must repair broken entries and so on.

Then train the migration until oyu are ready, you can always use the tools and reset vm2. the vm1 data is still there and is not touched.

Then do it live, create a subdomain,... install everything in the subdomain, set your real domain to catalogue mode, disable registration. So people can still browse. then do hte migration, you are trained, you know the problems of your system, should be done within 1 hour. If it works, just change domain per server setting, done.
If not, just disable the catalogue mode of your livesystem,.. and you lost only 1 hour of sales. But you was not off.
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Thanks for the detailed info Max.

Yours is the correct way for 90% people probably, however the change for our website is really big, from a spanish shop to a european shop so we need a lot of time for translations, shipping cost and decide many things.

What I used is J2XML to migrate users, articles etc, this component was the only one I found that actually saved the user ID. I though that would save the day when migrating users... and partly it did, cause the login and passwords are kept.

We copied the VM1 tables and run the VM2 migrator and it did the job perfectly except for the user addresses and details.

Jupgrade became a nightmare of errors and we found out that actually the VM migrator did the job much better, and the basic thing for us to copy was the VM data.

So basicly what we did in a test live url is a clean install of joomla 2.5 and migration with VM2 tools after copying the tables.

Still don't know why the addresses were not migrated too but the rest was perfect and user will be able to login again, in the worst case we will have to enter their data manually but we will have a clean new database.



Quote from: lindapowers on December 18, 2012, 00:08:36 AM
What I used is J2XML to migrate users, articles etc, this component was the only one I found that actually saved the user ID. I though that would save the day when migrating users... and partly it did, cause the login and passwords are kept.

We copied the VM1 tables and run the VM2 migrator and it did the job perfectly except for the user addresses and details.

You mean jUpgrade changes the user ids? The vm2 migrator should also port the addresses.
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I meant that I couldn't move the Joomla users from 1.5 to 2.5 via phpmyadmin tables due to the different structure etc and im lack of knowledge :D

Jupgrade keeps the same ID's as far as I remember but most import/export tools didn't until I used J2XML.

With Jupgrade directly I just got message errors.

With VM2 migrator I could migrate everything except the users addresses, it showed an error that has been posted in the forum, I think I saw your reply to that topic but I can't find it or remember right now, I will post it as soon as we try to migrate users again.

Where does the VM2 migrator look in to when importing users? I mean at what tables?

Is strange that having the same user ID's and the same VM1 tables it fails only there and works with products, categories, even taxes etc

Maybe we have strange settings from our users or it fails with spanish accents, no idea.
