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Can't delete a value from Shopper Field type Select

Started by nicole2292, July 27, 2012, 06:16:26 AM

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Help! We have have custom shopper field of the field type "select" which is used for people to choose their profession.

As you can imagine this is a lengthy list of items. We have input all of the professions, however there is a strange quirk that whenever you add a new value it defaults to "Mr" for both the title and value. Very weird... and seems to be a bug!

The problem we have is that my data entry person accidentally hit save with one of the "mr" fields present and then continued to add more professions and now the have "mr" in the middle of our list.

Try as I might there seems to way to delete a value once it has been added.

Isn't this kind of a fundamental and essential feature??? Very concerning that it is not possible.

So my question is: How can I delete just one item from the profession list?

You also cannot re-order which has caused me a huge headache before as the professions are alphabetical and when the client wants to add a new one it is in the wrong location if it is at the bottom so we have to rebuild the entire list again.

Surely these items should be re-orderable and also at the very least deletable?

Re-entering all of the professions again is simply not an option so how do I delete the culprit "mr"?

Please do not tell me this is not possible from the admin... because quite frankly IT SHOULD BE!
I SHOULD NOT have to access the database directly do make such a simple change.


you know your initial answer is here _ in the php myadmin under "^&%%_Virtuemart_userfields" I'm sure you will find that field there.  And , and maybe you could chnge the ordering there directly.  If no one else answers then - that might be it- I have been stuck a few times with fields like this - in invoices, orders, names etc - sorry for the answer

"Please do not tell me this is not possible from the admin... because quite frankly IT SHOULD BE!
I SHOULD NOT have to access the database directly do make such a simple change.""


I encounter the same problem unfortunately. When changing the Value names, it adds extra fields. And after that there's no other way to remove them but from the database directly.


oh damn. Indeed, we just forget to add it. Will be fixed in vm2.2 then. Most people just use the field like it is and change the values per language override. In fact it is a lot more mighty, but maybe 1% of the people know about.
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