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Klarna layout in Choose Payment method page

Started by amymattian, December 11, 2012, 15:45:18 PM

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I understand from Klarna that Virtuemart2 plugin for Klarna is not supported by them, so they don't know how to fix the issue I have.

We have enabled Klarna plugin and made a payment method with Klarna. All is functioning well expect the logo on the Choose Payment method is too big. When choosing Klarna comes the options for different payment amounts per month. This text is partly on top of the Klarna logo.

I've asked Klarna how to fix the logo issue and they said since the plugin is not done by them they do not know how to fix this.

Where do I change the layout for this page so that the options would be lower and visible and not partly on top of the Klarna logo?



Here still the image... any ideas who to change this?


The Klarna payment plugin templates are overrridable, just like the component.



yes I'm am beginning to come aware of the overriding procedure bit by bit. I am not a coder so the whole thing is a bit difficult. My question really is where is the file that I should edit? I am able to add a few lines in it if I can find the file. I can find the plugin folder for Klarna but there are many files in there and I have no idea which one to edit.

- Anne


The template files are in joomla_root/plugins/vmpayment/klarna/klarna/tmpl/

I don't use Klarna so have never needed to edit it, but looking at the image I would guess that a css edit may be all that is required. These files are in joomla_root/plugins/vmpayment/klarna/klarna/assets/css/   - you can examine the css using Firebug.

Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

Please mention your VirtueMart, Joomla and PHP versions when asking a question in this forum



thanks! I found the logo height definition in the tmpl/payment_form.php file in the Klarna plugin. I changed the height from 55px to 25px. I tried changing the CSS definitions but did not manage to edit it so that the texts would have not been affected also (the paddings, margins changed the paddings/margins to the text also). I do not do coding so I am not able to add new code, only edit old.

But anyway now the logo is very small and the text is not overlaying. Thanks!
