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No Page Heading after vm & joomla migration

Started by anthony, November 10, 2012, 01:31:41 AM

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I cannot get titles to appear on the top of some vm pages - not the browser title, but the <h1> title at top of the component - usually the shop category.
Individual products are ok - the product name appears at top as expected.
I get page titles in Cart, Account pages etc, just not in the categories and main vm page.
Of course I have checked the menu items - since that is where one would expect to manage titles. Not really new at this.  It doesn't matter what template I use.

I have vm 2.0.12f - was migrated & updated from an old vm1.1 on J1.5

The page titles don't seem to have anything to do with the vm templates. Any ideas how to address this?

Possibly related (non-vm issues):
- featured (home) component (joomla core) also does not show a page title.
- getting "Category not found" errors when creating new link to a (new) blog category - I think the category isn't created, somehow!
- 'Rebuilding Menus' sends new menu items to the top of the list, & I have to send them back down every time  - menu item order isnt retained.
- migration was by jupgrade

... so I suspect an issue with database tables during migration. Probably nothing to do with vm, but just putting the keywords out there & hoping a joomla fairy will visit.

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Joseph Kwan

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