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We have to pay for UPS USPS FEDEX shipping modules?

Started by liam09, February 07, 2013, 23:16:50 PM

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I'm not cheap, nor do i have anything against paying people for the work they do... but i am against underhandedness.
I am updating a current site from joomla/vm 1.x to 2.x. Well, I am at the point now of configuring shipping methods.. hmm weird, no shipping methods. Old VM contained a bunch.. well after some research I find out that all the shipping modules i need, will end up costing me close to $200.. AWESOME!!!!!!! Of course mostly found from iStraxx (commercial front end comprised of the virtuemart team)

I could have purchased a fully functional, nicely themed cart with full shipping options and payment options for a fraction of that. Mijo cart for example, includes all of this AND TONS MORE, for $59.. i used to love VM, but now it seems my store and the two new companies that i am starting this year will not feature VM. (And yes, i have purchased many components, modules and plugins over the years that add FEATURES to my cart.. not core functionality)

Not only did i dump a ton of development time, created scope and cost estimates based on the open source nature of virtuemart, but because i tackled shipping at the end of the project, i didn't find out that i am missing one of THE most important aspects of a shopping cart... SHIPPING THE FRIGGIN' PRODUCT TO THE CUSTOMER.
I have never once complained over the many years i have used this great solution, but it seems underhandedness will be the downfall of this cart.

Good luck - I'm moving on to cheaper (well supported) commercial solutions that aren't masked behind the name 'open source'.. thank goodness joomla is still open source. However, once they give me a solution that allows me to see the front end of a website, and makes me pay to use the admin area, I'll be moving on.

ps. of course i am hoping someone chimes in and says, hey dummy check out this option. You just needed to do A, B and C.. But i know this to be untrue.. this same complaint is littered throughout the entire VM forums.. and of course i will be reflecting this opinion in my 1 star vote in the joomla extensions gallery. Sorry guys, but sneaking in core functionality as a pay-only solution (for now until obviously dev's a free version) is completely unacceptable (to me)


I agree with you 100%. I was also in the process of switching to the newest version of Joomla and thought, hell...why not get the latest version of Virtuemart.
To my dismay, all this work to use this so called stable version of Virtuemart has left a bad taste in my mouth. Now I have to look else where like yourself for another solution.
My business is now affected by this delay, I should have did more test before switching. Maybe its now too late to go back to the older version, but will I be acceptable to hacks if this older version is no longer supported?

I know this software in Free, but come on, let us know what you plan on doing before some of us decide to make a change. If I knew that you had developed a plugin that you were going to start charging people right from the get go, I probably would have said...Ya! I'll pay for this. Instead I have to second guess to purchase a third party plugin from someone I don't know, and I'm not even sure if the plugin will work. Do I take a risk and spend money that I might end up loosing in the end. Very disappointed!

So until something is done, I'm now looking into other solutions to get my business back up and running. Now my money will be going somewhere else and not to you unfortunately.

Maxim Pishnyak

Quote from: Burnman on March 07, 2013, 06:31:59 AM
If I knew that you had developed a plugin that you were going to start charging people right from the get go, I probably would have said...Ya! I'll pay for this. Instead I have to second guess to purchase a third party plugin from someone I don't know, and I'm not even sure if the plugin will work.
You're contradicting with youself.
Quote from: Burnman on March 07, 2013, 06:31:59 AMSo until something is done, I'm now looking into other solutions to get my business back up and running. Now my money will be going somewhere else and not to you unfortunately.
So you think that the only cool VM feature is that it made some plugins paid? Oh really?

When I see such kind of agressive whiners I easily could imagine one obvious picture:

  • Guy used VM1.

  • Guy used other people experience that was shared on this forum.

  • Guy didn't work at own personal php skills. Hell, he used only other people hacks! That was enaf.

  • Guy hadn't success with own bussiness on his VM1 eshop. Why? Some1 gone pay for this! And the poor VM dev team is the best candidate on this position. Let's blame devs for anything we want!

  • Guy could had success with own bussiness on his VM1 eshop. But still he isn't able to pay some money to somebody for improving his VM2 eshop prototype. And he isn't able to use his php skills for this task too (see line #3 of this list).
Bottom line of all this is that some unsuccessful/greedy nonexperienced shop owner thinks that both VM1 and VM2 was and is NOT perspective opensource projects, which need some necessary money and some necessary skills to be used with. VM brand must be as easy to use as apple to eat!
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Thanks Maxim Pishnyak, with comments like that you just encouraged me not to do anything with this product at all. With comments like that you ain't doing this company any justice or do you really know what you're talking about...maybe not.

Question? Do you even know what contradicting means?

I love this product, all I wanted was a clear understanding what Virtuemart was doing. As for skills...what ever! I think your lacking allot in personal skill yourself or you would have said these things. Lol!

The main feature that was taken away and now is a paid feature was a crucial part of this shopping cart, without it its useless, especially when it was an added feature in the past versions. Also I don't mind paying, but again I don't think you have a clear understanding of what I'm talking about, seeing you rather add insult to injury.

So I guess I'll take my unsuccessful/greedy ass else where...beginner!

Maxim Pishnyak

Quote from: Burnman on March 14, 2013, 00:55:10 AM
The main feature that was taken away and now is a paid feature was a crucial part of this shopping cart, without it its useless, especially when it was an added feature in the past versions.
Well, what other main crucial features for free of VM2 are?

What other main crucial features of VM2 could be paid?

Without presenting your own views on these extremly important for future of VM2 project questions, you'll get that reaction that I already posted for you above.

The truth is here.

The MAIN PART of VM Community during last year likes main free of charge and main paid features of this project.

I'm talking about people who had asked for help here on forum and got helpful tips.

LEARNING is what is going here.

People who really motived to learn something new - will got help.

You wonna to get shipping modules for free? Nice! Construct them youself if you have some skills . So obvious solution for so swanky person like you.
Really, why you wasn't ready for such possible case? Still belive that you so cool and special that EVERY your eshop MUST cost zero for you? Keep dreaming... bleh
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