Administration > Edit Order > Change Product Status: Fault Totals Calculation

Started by thomaska, October 16, 2012, 08:51:41 AM

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i am using joomla 2.5.7 and virtuemart 2.0.4. I would like to mention that i don't intead to upgrade virtuemart, because i tried to upgrade in 2.0.10 and several bugs arise and my system is production environment, so i don't want such a changes. So my problem is the totals when from the administration the user change the status of a product. For example, if a customer orders 3 items and for some reason one of them is out of stock, when the administrator change the status of this product to Cancelled in order to exluded it from the order, the totals does not recalculated and remains the it was before the upgrade of the product status. I attached a screenshot of this example.

Any help please?

[attachment cleanup by admin]



someone might help with coding hack? but the cart issues in calculations were developed and improved over time maybe 2.0.10 was not good for you but what about 2.0.12b - ?


I don't know anything about 2.0.12b. Is it possible (quick fix) to overwrite the specific pages from 2.0.12b to 2.0.4? Partial Upgrade?
Just to solve the problem for now, on the live environment, and take the time i need to create a UAT Environment, make a full upgrade and test if everything works fine.

If that is possible, which files do i have to copy?

