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PayPal not showing as payment method in cart

Started by jnzken, October 12, 2012, 18:45:52 PM

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I have set up paypal as my payment method according to the instructions. I have my shop set up so that anyone can purchase products not just registered users. I have reinstalled and updated everything (vm,aio,joomla). Papal is not showing as an option in the cart at checkout. When you hit the "select payment" link in the cart it comes up with a page that says - "Please select a payment method    We are sorry, no payment method matches the characteristics of your order. Please .". I am at my wits end here. I have searched on the forums and cannot find anything related. I am using joomla 2.5.7,VM2.0.12b, AIO2.0.12b. Hoping this is just a simple mistake on my part.


May have something to do with this post:

Re-install the AIO and don't upgrade it in the component. Of course - back up everything before trying anything!


Thanks for the reply. I have uninstalled/reinstalled AOI and plug-ins. Made sure the PayPal plug-in was enabled. I still get the same result in the cart "No Payment Selected" and when you click on the "select Payment " link a page saying "Please select a payment method We are sorry, no payment method matches the characteristics of your order. Please ." comes up.
This is the only thing stopping me from having a working site and I am building a lot of character in this one. Here are some pics for a visual aid.


I have now tried installing a fresh install of Joomla and VM locally to test.
After installing the new Joomla, VM and AIO I added a test product along with shipping and Paypal. No other mods ,comp or plugins are installed except for the default Joomla and VM . Even with the new fresh install I am not getting Paypal and now shipping to show up in the shopping cart. When you click the link "select shipment" or "select payment" they give the message "Please select a shipment method We are sorry, no shipment method matches the characteristics of your order." and "Please select a payment method We are sorry, no payment method matches the characteristics of your order. Please ."
I have changed settings around trying to get it to do something but still same result. Could there just be a real bug here? The problem is I do not see other people having the same problem. What am I doing wrong here?

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OK, I had exactly the same situation.  Also, if Cheque and PayPal were made available then only Cheque and not PayPal would show. 
Out of interest, when I was at the "Select Payment" screen I decided to try "Save".  I cannot quite remember the exact steps that I then followed, so I will have to try repeating various approaches! 
If think it was after that step, and after entering the Name/Address details of the non-registered shopper, that the Cart allowed the purchase to list the payment methods and to permit check-out.   I reckon the the key point is that it is necessary to complete the Name/Address details (obvious required for shipping and possibly payment) before VM accepts the person as having the correct "characteristics".
Clearly the check-out process for non-registered shoppers is not acting to an intuitive manner but it would seem that the correct elements are there.  So, I reckon it is not necessary to do re-installations, but hopefully a VM developer/expert can take a good look at the process steps so that it does become intuitive.


It sounds like you either did not set up a payment method in the new install, or have the parameters of it set wrong. Maybe post a shot of your settings? Is hard to tell you whats wrong when we can't see what you have.


I have finally been able to get Paypal to show up in the cart. I recreated another Paypal payment with same settings and published both Paypal' #1 and #2 and both showed up in the cart as options. I then unpublished the original WITHOUT deleting it and all worked correctly. This is crazy I know. My original instinct was to delete the non-working PayPal and make a new one, which I did, and that did not work. The only way it works for me is to have both instances of PayPal in there. I was able to publish the site live and have had orders with Paypal working correctly.  The shipping not showing up was my fault, forgot to add cost for shipping. Thanks for replying to this post.