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NO_CURRENCY_DEFINED - vendor tab is gone [SOLVED]

Started by Miss Swan, August 11, 2012, 23:11:42 PM

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Miss Swan

Ok, I have migrated from joomla 1.5.26 and VM 1.1.9 to joomla 2.5.6 and VM 2.0.6 following theese steps:
and I get this message in the frontend: COM_VIRTUEMART_CONF_WARN_NO_CURRENCY_DEFINED and this in the backend: No Shop Currency defined! Go to http://localhost/mydomain/jupgrade/administrator/index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=user&task=editshop
when I follow this link I get no such options.
I have also set the currency to euro and save, but nothing happens.
In the shop/Additional Information outside "Vendor:" i have no options
Shipment adresses "Add adress" nothing happens.
In between First Name* and Middle Name* it stands: PHPSHOP_SHOPPER_FORM_STATE ?

This is the second time I try, first time I deleted everything, and tried again, same problem.

I have also read this tread: but I can't figure out if there is any solution there?

Miss Swan

Ok, so I have tried for the third time, and this time I went to the SHOP/ SHOP - configuration before I start the migration and I discover what the problem is after migration (the same happend again  :( .)
Because after the migration to v. 2.0.6 the whole tab named "Vendor" is gone. So I have noe possibility to choose currency at all. ???
Is there any way I can fix this, is there at possibility this will be fixed if I update to v 2.0.8 ?

Miss Swan

So I read this thread: and enabled Multivendor in configuration, and then suddenly the "Vendor" tab appears in "Shop" again. I set the currency and disable Multivendor, and then the "Vendor" tab dissapears again.
In the next tab "Additional Information" it only says "Vendor:" then nothing.
I can't choose "Title" and between *First Name and *Middle name it still stands PHPSHOP_SHOPPER_FORM_STATE both in the backend and in the front end in "Ypur account details."

Does anyone have any idea where/ how I can fix this?


Are you using a language other that English?

the "Vendor" tab dissapears again

Suggests that you are not properly set as vendor. If you are and a logged in the BE then the tab should remain. Have a look in the database in the table virtuemart_vmusers - your user should have have a "1" in both virtuemart_vendor_id AND user_is_vendor  - no other occurence of user_is_vendor=1 should be there.
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

Please mention your VirtueMart, Joomla and PHP versions when asking a question in this forum

Miss Swan

Quote from: jenkinhill on August 14, 2012, 22:02:12 PM
Are you using a language other that English?

No, I choosed English (GB) when i installed with akeeba. It was English from before too, I don't know if there is any other places I must choose language?

Suggests that you are not properly set as vendor. If you are and a logged in the BE then the tab should remain. Have a look in the database in the table virtuemart_vmusers - your user should have have a "1" in both virtuemart_vendor_id AND user_is_vendor  - no other occurence of user_is_vendor=1 should be there.

I think so, I checked the databse and only my user-id has "1" in virtuemart_vendor_id AND user_is_vendor.
When I am logged in as multivendor, my information is in "Additional Information" and "General user" is correct, but when I choose "none" again, this information change to the other administrator. I guess he is administrator1 and I am administrator2.

But I wonder if it's not configurated properly after upgrade. I work in localhost (MAMP) and before upgrade to joomla 2.5 it was named /localhost/mypagename/ afterl jupgrade everything moves to a new folder named "jupgrade" so the new url is /localhost/mypagename/jupgrade/
When I get the warning message: Safe Path is empty it suggest that I create the "virtuemartfiles" folder in /localhost/mypagename/
I have tried to find the right configuration file as in the old VM was "virtuemart.cfg.php" but I can' find it in /administrator/com_virtuemart ?

Thank you very much for helping me.  :)


The data that used to be in VMconfig.php for 1.1 is now stored in the database.
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

Please mention your VirtueMart, Joomla and PHP versions when asking a question in this forum

Miss Swan

You were right, it was not properly set as vendor.
This is a page I was asked to be web editor for, so I have not created it myself. The user I thought was vendor had about 5 different users + that the old webeditor had used his name as admin, so it was a mess.
When I finally deleted all users whitout one, and gave the correct e-mail adress there, and then tried to upgrade for the x-time, it finally worked!  :D
Still alot of work to do but, finally I made the migration.
Thank you very much for your help.