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Fatal error: Class 'MYPDF' not found in

Started by cspub, August 17, 2012, 23:55:30 PM

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When we try to update an order status, we get the following error message:
Fatal error: Class 'MYPDF' not found in /home/webfolder/public_html/components/com_virtuemart/controllers/invoice.php on line 123

what is this and how to we get rid of error and be able to update status of orders?



I think installation that virtuemart-AIO not completed succesgully... (tcppdf which is responsible to produce the pdf files is included in AIO package and not vm core package)
For better results download the tar.gz for your version file for AIO from and reinstall it...
The issue may be caused by aio package file size (if you used zip package) and  wasn't completely installed.

Please keep in mind every time you post an issue to mention your Joomla / VM and PHP version.

Hope that helps you out.

Production: Joomla 2.5.8 | VM 2.0.14 | PHP 5.3.13
Testing     : Joomla 2.5.8 | VM 2.0.16 | PHP 5.3.8
Testing     : Joomla 2.5.8 |    VM 2.1   | PHP 5.3.8

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thanks. i'm on joomla 2.5 and vm 2.0.8e

do i need to manually ad the aio files?



You download the file When you unzip those file was inside two files:

1. com_virtuemart.2.0.8e.tar.gz
2. com_virtuemart.2.0.8e_ext_aio.tar.gz
3. and readme.txt ... but ok .. :)

You have installed com_virtuemart.2.0.8e.tar.gz which contains VM2 core system, but VM comes with some extensions too (payment/shipment plugins, modules, etc).
So you have to install and the other file com_virtuemart.2.0.8e_ext_aio.tar.gz.

If you have install them both, then try to reinstall the com_virtuemart.2.0.8e_ext_aio.tar.gz file because maybe the installation was incomplete.
If you have download the .zip files and not the tar.gz files then i suggest to download the tar.gz files which are smaller and can be handled better from PHP (cause of smaller size) at the time of installation.

Please try it and report back.

Thank you.
Production: Joomla 2.5.8 | VM 2.0.14 | PHP 5.3.13
Testing     : Joomla 2.5.8 | VM 2.0.16 | PHP 5.3.8
Testing     : Joomla 2.5.8 |    VM 2.1   | PHP 5.3.8

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- Please do not PM with support questions, use the forum!