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Page Navigation Migration

Started by dydu, February 01, 2013, 13:29:44 PM

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first sorry for my english.... ;-(.

My problem

the pagenavigation in the categories is not workin well.

System infos:

Joomla 1.5.26 VM 2.0.18a (Targetv VM 2 / Joomla 2.5)

Exampel Stanz Motive on site

If i klick on the page navigation

from site 1 to 2 to 3 to 4 to 5 it work perfekt

<< Start < Zurück 1 2 3 4 5 Weiter > Ende >>

if i do the othr way

form 5 to 4 to 3 to 2 ist work but if i try to go to site 1 it dosent work and nothing happens.


notihing ist aktiv ind joomla

by virtuemart nothing ist akitv and the suffix _page

One more problem is

The price is in the backend and the migration have work.

but in the frontend no price is visible.

When i delet the price in the product and make it new its work,- but the configuration is stil the same.

If any one have my a tipp you make me real happy.

thank you and nice weekend



I am having the same problem.  Joomla 1.5.26, VM 2.0.20 (so I have the very latest bug fix).
When a category has multiple pages of products, the navigation works find going forward through the pages.  And it works ok when going back (using "prev" or "zurück")until page 1.  Then it sticks on page 2 and won't move back to page 1.  Also the link to "Start" does not work.  No way to get back to page 1 except to select a different category, which seems to clear the start pointer, and then come back to the prior category.

I will continue to search for a solution or figure out if it is a true bug and if it has been reported.


Sorry, but Joomla 1.5 is no longer supported for VM2.
"We decided to declare now the end of life for VirtueMart 1.1, and that the version 2 of VirtueMart is not any longer maintaining joomla 1.5 compatibility." 4 October 2012

There is aalso a nuisance bug in 2.0.20, but not for pagination - there should be a 2.0.20a version within 2 days.
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

Please mention your VirtueMart, Joomla and PHP versions when asking a question in this forum


Sorry jenkinhill, I missed that post that Joomla 1.5 was no longer supported for VM 2.  When I migrated I looked high and low for the requirements for VM2 and only found that 1.5- 2.5 were supported.  Maybe the wiki should be updated and a note pinned to the VM Migration forum?  Actually I have VM 2 working fairly well on 1.5.26 except this pagination navigation.  I plan on migrating the site to J 2.5 but I wanted to get as many of the extensions as I could updated first.

For anyone following this post, there are many posts on this topic - search "Page navigation" and it was recognized as a bug way back in August, so it just must not work for J 1.5.26.  But I did find the following post useful:  (even though I have cache and sef turned off)