how to add downloadable products for sale in VM 2.0.10 ?

Started by shrikant, August 30, 2012, 14:34:17 PM

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Hi, I am new to VM and using 2.0.10. i dont know how to add downloadable products for sale. can i add downloadable products for sale in VM 2.0.10? pls reply to this ASAP


Hello -

You will need to:

1) Create the Safe Path so the files can be stored correctly (you'll see a big warning message across the top of your VM administration if this is not set)
2) Upload your downloadable files. Go to Media Files and when adding them be sure to choose Role = downloadable and Storing Location = Product
3) You will need to buy this extra plugin -

Hope this helps!
~ Deb Cinkus, CEO
Polished Geek, LLC   |

Creators of JoomLister - eBay Lister for Joomla!



Thanks for instant reply. Is there any free plugin to do this? And if I want to customize the code then what should i do? where I need to change in the code. 


There is this downloadable products plugin, too, which has some extra configurable options.
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

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