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run a VM 1.1 and a VM2 in the same Joomla 1.5?

Started by d-rock, August 15, 2012, 12:34:26 PM

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Hello VM-Friends,

I would like to know if it possible to run a VM 1.1 and a VM2 in the same Joomla 1.5 at the same time?

some details:
we have a existing VM1.1 Shop running. This Shop is managed by someone living in a different part of the country and can not sell stuff we have in our home town. So I had the idea to install a second VM (2) to run another shop ourselves.

My question is: Is it possible to run two different Virtuemart Shops at the same time in Joomla 1.5 and is it possible at the end off the Year to merge them together, because we will move the VM 1.1 Shop in our home two and we will go on with only the VM 2.

Thank you for your help
kind regards


I think this will screw the Joomla user tables and is likly to cause Joomla menu issues, but I suppose you could try it on a backup copy of the site to see what happens.....  I'm not aware of anyone trying this.

In any case you may be looking at upgrading from Joomla 1.5 as it is past end of life and will no longer receive security support after the end of September when Joomla 3 is released.

Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

Please mention your VirtueMart, Joomla and PHP versions when asking a question in this forum



thank you for your answer...I think I will give t a try on a fresh Joomla an see what happens with the DB ;) we will merge both shops at the end of the year so lets see....about the Joomla 1.5, I know and I will update as soon as I have the time for it...I think it is still migration and not an easy update procedure :(

regards D-rock


It cannot run on the same installation, impossible. You must rename some stuff, maybe 3 hours of work, maybe 10 minutes.
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