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VM2 and digital downloads

Started by glapolla, March 17, 2012, 01:41:37 AM

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Does VM2 have the capability to handle digital download subscriptions say to allow the buyer to download a set number of  files per subscription?


Probably it is not exactly what you need, but there is some option in Shop->Media Files called "for sale". Please visit to see some screenshots.


Digitoll Downloads VM component/plugin by Stephen Roberts can handle something similar, not quite a subscription but if a custoemr buys a download you can set a number of downloads AND a length of time that those downloads are available.  Could possibly be used for what you want. 



Go here

Purchase the plug and away you go, I have this up and running and works good.
Joomla Web Development, Hosting and site management


Curt.   You can't time limit or date Limit the download with that though, so the buyer would be able to download as many times as they liked.  The Digitoll Download component for VM2 gives you the ability to set download limits for number of downloads and time.  I ue it on one of my websites and it's very good.



That is a good point, can you provide a link to that?
Joomla Web Development, Hosting and site management


The software was from  its costs a little more than the standard VM one but you get so much more functionality for it.  It's early stages of the software yet but I'm already using it on a live website and it works perfectly.  Stephen, the developer is adding more features as he goe salong and his overall support and attitude towards the project is outstanding.  I bought the original VM digital downloads plugin but I had quite a few issues with it and it just dind't cut it even when I got it to work.  Far to limited for the use I had for it.  So we got all my products and downloads coverted over to the new Digitoll downloads plugin system (he's thinking of making a GUI for conversion too for that), fired it up and even convereted old orers so they used the new plugin system for customer to still be able to get their downloads

If you're looking for an excellent download plugin with very useful features for your site I'd vote fo rthis one any day.  I'm extremely pleased with it :)

Go visit and buy yourself a copy

IF you have any queries or just want some help with it I can vouch that Stephens support is top notch on his products :)  Just email and he'll tell you all you want to know and help you out with what you need :)