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Problem with "bad" category-links, but only on shop entrance page

Started by Jee, May 06, 2012, 16:00:06 PM

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Hi VirtueMart-community,

We have installed a a fresh joomla 2.5. with the latest version of virtuemart (2.0.6) on an apache server.

And we currently have the following problem that we can't work out on our own:

Our entrance site to the shop is: (This is also what the joomla menu links to under the "shop" item.)

The category links here are created as:

These do not work, you just end up on the shop main page again. (sammelordnerxx and steinkern-hefte are the correct seo-alias for the categories.)

Here it gets interesting:

If you click on one of the products listed on the main page, you see the product and of course still the shop menu, now the category-links in the menu are created this way:

These links work!

Can somebody point me into the right direction, what to change to make either generate those links in the main menu for the start page, or get the links that are generated on the start page to work?

Thank you very much in advance!

If you need any more information on our configuration to help us, please don't hesitate to ask. We will follow this thread closely.

Note: The port 31337 is just because this is a test webserver, not our live system, but the port is not the problem (neither is the apache) because we tried on port 80 and also on an iis server - the problem is persisten over all combinations. - Also disabling SEO in Joomla did not change the problem.


I think we just figured it out - for the link in the Joomla-mainmenu we selected (from the joomla generated list of available links):

"VirtueMart Hersteller Standard-Layout" (likely to be named "default-layout" in the english version)

now that I have created a new menuentry with

"VirtueMart Startseite" instead it all seems to work. (likely to be named "VirtueMart startpage" in english version)

Why default-layout leads to this linking errors is unknown to us, but we are glad that using the startpage it all works out. - This might be a joomla or virtuemart bug, but since just choosing the right links fixes it, it's not very severe.

Links generated from the startpage look like this:

(shop-jps beeing the new test-alias for the menĂ¼-entry) - so basically they look the same as before, but now the correct content is displayed after clicking them.

ps: I have edited out the server name, since the problem is solved, and I don't want to plaster links to our testsystem over the internet.