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Failed loading XML file . . . Updated Information . . .

Started by omni++, April 24, 2012, 04:49:27 AM

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Original Post & Reply :

Post : 
I have installed Virtuemart into Joomla before without issue.  In this case I am doing a fresh local harddrive server (WAMP) install of Virtuemart 2.0.6 (latest) on a fresh install of the latest / current Joomla, 2.5.4 , using the usual extension install method under Joomla Extensions directory.  All things appear normal in the process except that the install window goes blank and seems to never complete.  Upon refresh Virtuemart is not present.

The platform is Pentium 4 - 1.3Ghz on an Intel motherboard, 768MB Ram, running a fresh install of Windows XP sp3 fully updated.  The machine is dedicated to this purpose with a minimum of other software installed, only that which might in some way pertain to or facilitate Joomla website building.  Firefox 11 is the default browser both in Windows and for WAMP.  Wamp is also the latest available stable download.

Any ideas why Virtuemart does not complete the install will be appreciated.

Thanks !
Edit - ~17:20 EST :

Tried install via "Install from Directory" which apparently failed also, yielding this message :         

Failed loading XML file
        XML: failed to load external entity "file:///C:/wamp/www/YDSite1/administrator/modules/mod_atjupgrade/mod_atjupgrade.xml"

Reply :

Is your local host able to decompress tar.gz packages? Convert to .zip first and try installing that. Also make sure that max_execution_time in your php.ini is set to a high value as I would expect localhost to run slowly on an old system.

The error with Install from Directory is coming from an issue with Joomla's Discover - see

Reply :Is your local host able to decompress tar.gz packages? Convert to .zip first and try installing that. Also make sure that max_execution_time in your php.ini is set to a high value as I would expect localhost to run slowly on an old system.

The error with Install from Directory is coming from an issue with Joomla's Discover - see

Jenkin Hill Internet,
Keswick, Lake District


New Information Post :

The dedicated system mentioned in the original post is a 32 bit system, and is not the only system on which WAMP, Joomla, and Virtuemart are installed.   I have two other systems with the above installed exactly the same, only they are both 64 bit Windows 7 , (both dual core CPU's with 2 - 4 GB of RAM).   After much further examination and puzzeling over the problem I realized that the one system in which virtuemart properly and smoothly installed was not virtuemart 2.0.6, but rather is 2.0.2.  I then proceeded to install 2.0.2 on both other systems and all went well.  All three subsequently reported that an update was available, to version 2.0.6.  All three updates were attempted and all three failed.  Failure is manifested by a lengthy period in which the browser (Firefox) indicates  'waiting for localhost',  followed by a blank white update window.  Upon refresh no update has occured.  The symptoms of the problem are identical in spite of the fact that the systems are so different.  All of them are fresh installs of  WAMP,  Joomla, and  Virtuemart, with no OS or other tampering prior to install. 

My take-away from this is that there may be an issue with the update files being downloaded.  )On the slower 32 bit system I increased the execution time from 30 seconds to 90).   In every case the 'extract first'  directive was complied with.

I am posting this to also help others and will watch for responses.  For the time-being the update is off the table here.