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view invoice after payment successful message, Payzen plugin

Started by buzi, April 23, 2012, 19:54:53 PM

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In the Payzen payment plugin after a successful procedure, all that is shown is a textual success message, the order number and transaction amount.
this is the code that does this (payzen.php around line 341):

if ($resp->isAcceptedPayment()) {
    $currency = $api->findCurrencyByNumCode($resp->get('currency'))->alpha3;
    $amount = ($resp->get('amount') / 100) . ' ' . $currency;
    $html = $this->_getHtmlPaymentResponse('VMPAYMENT_PAYZEN_SUCCESS_MSG', true, $resp->get('order_id'), $amount);
    //JRequest::setVar('paymentResponseHtml', $html, 'post');
    $new_status = $method->order_success_status;

I would like to show a more detailed message, including the invoice.
what would be the url to the invoice template ? or how do i call it from this code ?
