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Product Image dissappear in Categorie View

Started by mmatth, April 09, 2012, 10:33:11 AM

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I use url as images because i rent the images and  i am not allowed to save them on my own server! I think this is a big Problem in virtuemart 2!!
I try since weeks to solve it but there is no solution!! In Backend i can see the big AND!! the Thumb but in Frontend NOT!!
When i click on the missing Picture in Categorieview i get the url

Where i need to delete the roo path in Front?

Have anybody any idea? I really would be very happy!


[attachment cleanup by admin]


I mmatth,

I was not able to get my URL link to work either - I added this to a bug in 2.0.4 (beta version).

I will watch for an answer in both posts - You didn't say what version you were using but if I see an answer I will post it back -



my version is:

Joomla! 2.5.2
VirtueMart 2.0.3 c

Thank you for posting maybe a solution!



Hi they found a bug in Joomla 2.5.2 - and asked people to update a while ago - good suggestion to do so because it was getting hacked. 2.5.4

2.0.3 c - yes try 2.0.4 beta  ( sorry if you go an odd email - I was answering another question to someone else.

I did - try a few more methods but could not get the URL image to work - so I wait .

Studio 42

SO you  try to add external images in your categories display and not work ?
The code do not make the difference for now and consider image are from you website.
Can be, we add it in a next release.


Quote from: Electrocity on April 10, 2012, 12:17:07 PM
SO you  try to add external images in your categories display and not work ?
The code do not make the difference for now and consider image are from you website.
Can be, we add it in a next release.

Thank you
It was working and It is sometimes needed for goods that come from other companies.


Its not that i try to put  urls into my category... categories use picture url from minipicture url in Productable. The Problem is that This picture cannot be showed because the root path is in Front!
i allready cleared the category media path but when i click on the picture i get

i tried update to joomla 2.5.4 but this was not the Problem!




Hi I understood what you meant - just that your issue and mine are related the URL links across the software were not working.
They say in the posts in this thread that they are looking at it.

On another website I use - I do not have the issue? so It might be template related - I tried several options even getting rid of the extra http link -

Yes I can see your products - so I hope they will solve this -   I only updated from 2.0.4 beta to 2.0.4 stable ( one jump in software and lost this ability) Yes it is very frustrating.


The real problem behind this was a security issue and multivendor. I need to write an exception, when you are an administrator and the url starts with http or so.
Should I fix your bug, please support the VirtueMart project and become a member
Extensions approved by the core team:


How does this exception is working? Can you specify or post  how the exception is looking like or which file i need to fix? I would be very helpful!!!!!


Should I fix your bug, please support the VirtueMart project and become a member
Extensions approved by the core team:


Hello Milbo, i tried to delete the red part in line 953 and 976 but it is not yet the solution  :'( what else could it make working for me!! I still get the ref

in browser

                function displayImage($virtuemart_media_id ,$key) {

                        $db = JFactory::getDBO();
                        $query='SELECT * FROM `#__virtuemart_medias` where `virtuemart_media_id`='.(int)$virtuemart_media_id;
                        $db->setQuery( $query );
                        $image = $db->loadObject();
                        if (isset($image->file_url)) {
                                $image->file_root = JURI::root(true).'/';
                                $image->msg =  'OK';
                                return  '<div  class="vm_thumb_image"><input type="hidden" value="'.$image->virtuemart_media_id.'" name="virtuemart_media_id[]">
                                <input class="ordering" type="hidden" name="mediaordering['.$image->virtuemart_media_id.']" value="'.$key.'">
                        <a class="vm_thumb" rel="group1" title ="'.$image->file_title.'"href="'.JURI::root(true).'/'.$image->file_url.'" >
                        '.JHTML::image($image->file_url_thumb, $image->file_title, '').'
                        </a><div class="vmicon vmicon-16-remove" title="'.JText::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_IMAGE_REMOVE').'"></div><div class="edit-24-grey" title="'.JText::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_IMAGE_EDIT_INFO').'"></div></div>';
                        } else {
                                $fileTitle = empty($image->file_title)? 'no  title':$image->file_title;
                                return  '<div  class="vm_thumb_image"><b>'.JText::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_NO_IMAGE_SET').'</b><br />'.$fileTitle.'</div>';


                function displayImages($types ='',$page=0,$max=16 ) {

                        $images = array();
                        $list = VmMediaHandler::getImagesList($types,$page,$max);
                        if (empty($list['images'])) return JText::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_ADMIN_CFG_NOIMAGEFOUND');

                        foreach ($list['images'] as $key =>$image) {
                                $htmlImages ='';
                                if ($image->file_url_thumb > "0" ) {
                                        // $imagesList->file_root = JURI::root(true).'/';
                                        // $imagesList->msg =  'OK';
                                        $htmlImages .= '<div class="vm_thumb_image">
                                        <span><a class="vm_thumb" rel="group1" title ="'.$image->file_title.'"href="'.JURI::root(true).'/'.$image->file_url.'" >'
                                        .JHTML::image($image->file_url_thumb,$image->file_title, 'class="vm_thumb" ').'</span></a>';
                                } else {
                                        $htmlImages .=  '<div class="vm_thumb_image">'.JText::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_NO_IMAGE_SET').'<br />'.$image->file_title ;
                                $Images[$key ]['label'] = $htmlImages.'<input type="hidden" value="'.$image->virtuemart_media_id.'" name="virtuemart_media_id['.$image->virtuemart_media_id.']"><input class="ordering" type="hidden" name="mediaordering['.$image->virtuemart_media_id.']" value=""><div class="vmicon vmicon-16-remove" title="remove"></div><div title="edit image information" class="edit-24-grey"></div></div>';
                                $Images[$key ]['value'] = $image->file_title.' :: '.$image->virtuemart_media_id;
                        //$list['htmlImages'] = $htmlImages;
                        return $Images;


For me in 2.0.6 this still does not work for me?

The URL link will not show up against products ?

Copy paste a URL for a image link and it will not save for the product? -


I now pay a dev. to take care of the Problem, he told me that vm 1.x has not this Problem! Maybe for anybody who is thinking of using this shoppingcart solution should be recognize this! I allready payed a hundred of euros and have no running system yet! Virtuemart is not really developed to be a real alternative. one new version the week but 10 more problems each new version! i would not make this decision again!