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Migration to VM 2.0 - Unique Sub-Categories ?

Started by Shimon Hirschhorn, July 10, 2013, 20:44:18 PM

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Shimon Hirschhorn


I have a web site running VM 1.1.9 that I want migrated to VM 2.0.20b.  I have many products (7,000).

My consultant, who is generally very good, tells me that the migration is running into problems due to sub category names now need to be unique.
In my current site they are not.  For example I currently have two sub-categories such as
Cameras/Sony   and
I have many instances like this.

Is this not allowed in VM 2.  ??
Is there some work around ?

Any help is greatly appreciated.



The Category Sef-alias has to be unique

The description can be the same as per VM1

If you try and save a new category with the same sef-alias then VM adds the current date to the sef-alias (but you can change this if required, it just has to be unique!)

For migration purposes your consultant could trial a migration and see if categories move ok for you.

If it fails then the make a copy of the category table and adjust the descriptions by adding an arbitary character for the duplicate category names.  Then use this in the migration

When completed change the category name (not the sef-alias) Back to what you wish to display

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