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Upgrade VM 1.9.8M=> VM2 : "Unknown Archive type..."

Started by django29, December 29, 2011, 18:10:18 PM

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My website was almost finished and I tried to upgrade VM in the VM admin.
This is the message I get :
   "Unknown Archive type
        Extracting the update package failed. Please try updating the extension manually."
I made the aio upgrade, and now, when I go to the VM page in frontend :
"Fatal error: Using $this when not in object context in /homepages/25/d114xxxxx/htdocs/mysite/administrator/components/com_virtuemart/helpers/currencydisplay.php on line 95"
This line 95 :
$this->_currency_id = self::$_instance->_app->getUserStateFromRequest( "virtuemart_currency_id", 'virtuemart_currency_id',JRequest::getInt('virtuemart_currency_id', 0));

How can I upgrade without loosing the hundreds of products I already entered ?


ok, before you go further make sure you have akeeba installed, and run a backup.

Next, have you tried updating multiple times? and the same result?

You could try to extract the package, Overwrite the files you have , and then run the "install or update tables if neccesary".

BUT before that, I would make sure the temp folder is clean, and database is optimized, and try to update via the live update a few more times.


Thanks (you didn't find a shorter name ?:))
1 - I don't use Akeeba, but I made a backup before trying to upgrade.
2 - I tried to upgrade on 2 different computers, several times. Same result.
3 - Where is this "install or update tables if neccesary" ?
4 - Which temp folder ? And how can I know if the database is optimized ?


This morning, I made a normal install of VM2 on VM 1.9.8M in the Joomla admin, and it works.
Problem solved.


I am using Joomla 2.5.4 and Virtumart 2.0.2 PHP 5.3.6
Nothing shows up for an update in Joomla / Extention manager / updates.
In Virtumart it show that there is an update to Virtumart 2.0.4
When I triied a dozen times it says

Unknown Archive type
Extracting the update package failed. Please try updating the extension manually.

I have done an Akeeba back-up. Do I need to extract the new Virtumaty 2.0.4 and over write all the files via FTP?  Nervous about doing that.
My add to cart button dosent work and I do hope this update fixes things as the store is useless without it. I am at my wits end and have triied everything.


Quote from: cpetitclerc73 on April 11, 2012, 00:10:50 AM
I am using Joomla 2.5.4 and Virtumart 2.0.2 PHP 5.3.6
Nothing shows up for an update in Joomla / Extention manager / updates.
In Virtumart it show that there is an update to Virtumart 2.0.4
When I triied a dozen times it says

Unknown Archive type
Extracting the update package failed. Please try updating the extension manually.

I have done an Akeeba back-up. Do I need to extract the new Virtumaty 2.0.4 and over write all the files via FTP?  Nervous about doing that.
My add to cart button dosent work and I do hope this update fixes things as the store is useless without it. I am at my wits end and have triied everything.

download the file, and install it through the extension manager