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Wrong currency symbol is showing in product pricing

Started by cyberrick, February 15, 2012, 13:28:43 PM

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I am selling in USD but all my pricing is showing up in with the EURO symbol instead of the $ symbol.  How do I fix this?


Did you double your shop's config for acceptable currencies?
I believe there's a segment under the vendor page on its default currency too...think that might be the problem?


I would try Three areas.
* You have set your currecy in configuration>>currency ( done) (pubblished it and checked the settings)
* You have gone to your products and changed each to the >>product price currency (done)
* Then go to shop>>shop>>Currency and change both to accepted currency.

* This is where I had issues too - the symbol on the front endshoul be right now.


I'm still having problems with the currency symbol showing as Euro! I have everything set to USD as instructed. Is anyone else having this problem?


VM 2.0.2
Joomla 2.5.2


Please make sure country in shop address (Shop > Additional Information) is United States. If it is default then it must be pointing to some where in Europe.


What a nightmare!! I discovered that I had to define myself (super user) as a vendor to get the USD currency setting to take effect. Once I did that however my currency problem was solved.


Quote from: timburkart on March 09, 2012, 01:49:14 AM
What a nightmare!! I discovered that I had to define myself (super user) as a vendor to get the USD currency setting to take effect. Once I did that however my currency problem was solved.

Agreed.  Thanks for the lead on how to address this. Amazingly intuitive, eh? lol