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Order numbers are not imported from VM1 DB ?

Started by Brunus, January 01, 2012, 15:37:40 PM

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Hi all,

And happy new year ! :D

I migrated a test site from Joomla 1.5 to Joomla 1.7 and then the VM1 component and DB to VM2 component and DB.
But I have a problem with orders numbers, they are not imported, they are re-coded to things like : 302_23cb13e4b252b9bbe571918e676d

I know there is another topic on the subject but it did not answer my problem. I need that my old orders to keep their ol numbers when the DB is migrated.
How to do that  please ?

Also, I understand the need for a strong code for order numbers, but I think I would prefer something shorter.
Is it possible to configure the number of digits for new commands ?
I mean, I want to recover my old numbers, and I would prefer to have a random code for nex commands but shorter that is actualy coded.

Did I miss something during the migration ?



I am also confused by this. I don't understand why the order number has become a randomly generated hash. There seems to be a mix up between order_number and order_id fields.
Information Systems for Business


No it is not and I already answered that many times.

vm1 has an order_id and a random order_number. The mix was in vm1, showing the order_id and not the order_number. So you are used to the "unsecure" order_id, which is only for the sql and not for the public. Users, shoppers, vendors, and so on should never work with the order_id. Please try this version . This version provides more options, when you migrate your old store (also various other small fixes).
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