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500 internal server error on installation

Started by zastotako, March 16, 2012, 21:49:44 PM

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Hey guys, i'm new to joomla, and virtuemart, i'm trying to install it but when i upload file via extension manager i get 500 internal server error, i don't have any problems with other extensions. Any tips?

Thanks in advance.

I'm using joomal 2.5.2
virtuemart 2.0.2


Have exactly the same problem. Here's another topic on that: - it's marked "Solved" but no solution whatsever...

Anybody can help us, please?


Well, since it looks like nobody can help with that, I start over again. Obviously on my hosting (Irish ISP LetsHost) was everything the same. To be sure that everything is ok with the package, I've installed VM on my other server (Polish and everything was ok there. I went to LetsHost Technical support and guys there (allways helpful!) found some strange error on PHP module suhosin. I'm not sure what the error was, but they told me they switched of suhosin. Since then - everything working perfect!