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Shipping per Shopper Group with Minimum order

Started by corymp, March 23, 2012, 03:06:56 AM

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I have a minimum order set on my shipping method for Gold member shopping group only.

I need to display that in the cart so they will understand why there is no shipping method available when order is below that set amount?

How can I do this?

VM 2.0.4 Stable



just wondering if you set up two postage options for gold customers - one lower that your minimum and it set a really high price like -  like 0 - $99.

Your order will cost $50 to post - click if you wish to continue or once your shopping cart reaches $100.00 all shipping is free.

Only your gold customers will see this and they will continue to buy - if not they are happy to pay $50.00 . You win all round

* you'll get the idea.


VM 2.0.4 Stable