I see (Info: COM_VIRTUEMART_ASSIGN_VM_TO_MENU) at the top of my shopping cart and most of the VM areas. I dont know what can be causing this. I have even removed VM along with VM AIO and cleaned database along with a fresh install of VM 2.0.2 and still same error at the top of all VM areas.
Any help would be greatly appreciated:)
Go to www.your-site.com/administrator ---> menus ---> "Menu which you are using" ---> find the menus which are not directed well (you can find these menus easy, just look under "Menu Item Type" and search for something like "Component 'com_virtuemart' does not exist"
If you find a menu with that menu item type, click on that menu and reselect virtuemart (the default is "VirtueMart standard layout")
I hope you can understand my English