I am having this problem....
Tried migration from J1.5.25 & VM 1.1.19 to J1.7 using JUpgrade on XAMPP local setup - Installed VM2.0.1k & AIO - Orders did not fully install
Tried migration from J1.5.25 & VM 1.1.19 to J2.5.1 using JUpgrade on XAMPP local setup - Installed VM2.0.1k & AIO - Orders did not fully install
Only 41 orders(oddly the very first 41 orders we ever did!) migrated a
a couple of 1000+ orders did not migrate and displayed errors below:
My full error report - I also am using a a DB connector so not sure if 'xref' is related to that?
Start with a new migration process and setup log maxScriptTime 47 maxMemoryLimit 117
Synchronized 191 media for product in directory images/stories/virtuemart/product/
Synchronized 33 media for category in directory images/stories/virtuemart/category/
Synchronized 0 media for manufacturer in directory images/stories/virtuemart/manufacturer/
Synchronized 2 media for vendor in directory images/stories/virtuemart/vendor/
Processed 8 vm1 shoppergroups time: 0.0076179504394531
Looks everything worked correct, migrated 18 categories
Seems there was an error porting 2 of 16 categories xref
Looks everything worked correct, migrated 1 manufacturer categories
Looks everything worked correct, migrated 1 manufacturers
Found 179 vm1 products to import
Migration orders: TableOrders The given Order Number is empty. This field is obligatory, please enter your data and store again.
Worked on migration for 23.351007223129 seconds
Migration finished
shopper_group_name was not unique in table #__virtuemart_shoppergroups, added random number: -default-22241
Info: port shoppers found 3728 vm1 entries for migration
Info: Processed 3728 vm1 users time: 20.478305101395
Info: port ST addresses found 5 vm1 entries for migration
Info: Processed 5 vm1 users ST adresses time: 1.2878811359406
Info: vendor 1 Stored
Info: Migration: 31 products processed
Info: port Orders found 2798 vm1 entries for migration
Info: Migration: 41 orders processed
vmError: TableUserinfos COM_VIRTUEMART_ADDRESS_TYPE in record is missing ! Can't save the record with no COM_VIRTUEMART_ADDRESS_TYPE.
note **** ( Line above is repeated over 20 times :-) ) ****
vmError: Port Categories Xref unknow : ID 0
vmError: Port Categories Xref unknow : ID 0
vmError: TableOrders The given Order Number is empty. This field is obligatory, please enter your data and store again.
On checking the jos_vm-orders.sql file I see a lot of 'NULL' entries....like 1084!....hmmmm
I am using XAMPP 1.7.3 which is compatible with J1.5 - should i be using the latest XAMPP version so J1.7 or J2.5.1 will run on it?
To be fair, the most important part for us IS the 'orders' table...so without this we are in problems :-(
I'm screwed....not matter what way I try to migrate(ive tried dozens of times now with every method i could read using J1.5.25(dud) J1.7 & J2.5.1!) i cannot import orders into VM2.
The problems surley lies with our very old Mysql database thats has had a lot of abuse since 2008!!
We fixed out shop a while ago and the 'NULL' issue is not in the last 1500 or so of our orders...so...to help further th hope of a solution:
Here is an example of a line from my jos_vm_orders.sql to show that I have 'NULL' values in some parts in our table.
VM2 errors after migration (shown above) say 'Tableorders empty' warning...
(101, 70, 1, NULL, 'aa6018029a4ed32414d6efa2c251f7e9', '25.00000', '25.00000', '0.00', 'a:0:{}', NULL, NULL, '0.00', NULL, '0.00', NULL, 'S', 1224860377, 1225370503, NULL, '', ''),
would the 'NULL' in the 'order_number' table (forth position in above line) be causing these order import problems?
What would i replace NULL values with to try to manually fix our Dbase tables?
really appreciate any help!!!