I have everything with my new updated site complete except for the payment gateway with VM 2.0.0 and I cannot for the life of me figure it out. Please Help! Thanks.
I wrote it for our old plugin system. I have to adapt it to our new plugin implementation. Test it, the it will be released.
I tried to look at it to maybe modify the old occ file (and it is a modification of the a.net one from what I read):
but I am stumped at the classes field. I guess that is maybe something to do here now instead:
your forum reference concerns VirtueMart 1, not VirtueMart version é.
VirtueMart version 2 handles payment via plugins.
Authorize.net will be available sooooooon.
thank you alatak, I know you do this as time permits and appreciate your efforts.
I had a look here after posting:
and see a lot of good information. I had a long holiday and must go back to work myself. It seems like you guys have a lot of it laid out already.
I know the old OCC was a variation of the a.net plugin. I hope that will be considered/developed as well, that helped make the old vm a very useful tool to me.
thanks again for all of your time and efforts.