VirtueMart Forum

VirtueMart 2 + 3 + 4 => Installation, Migration & Upgrade => Topic started by: I on October 04, 2011, 14:24:17 PM

Title: Invisible Virtuemart component in admin panel (Error building Admin Menus)
Post by: I on October 04, 2011, 14:24:17 PM
Hi all!

I have installed virtuemart1.9.8.RC2G in joomla 1.7

The problem is that in admin panel I cant find where the component is placed. I can find plugins and modules, but component I can call only with link

Do I always must use link for edit store?

Where I missing something???

Thank you in advance!
Title: Re: Invisible Virtuemart component in admin panel
Post by: PRO on October 04, 2011, 17:08:42 PM
go to extension manager and "discover"
Title: Re: Invisible Virtuemart component in admin panel
Post by: virtuassist on October 05, 2011, 23:40:59 PM
Hi, i've got exactly the same problem, and there are no results at 'discover'.
There are only new modules in the Module Manager, like VM Shopping Cart, VM Best Sales, etc, but no main VM module visible, and in the Plugin manager i see 3 VM plugins.
But there is no VM control panel, and in the Components list at the top menu there is only virtuemart-aio. When you click it you get 404 component not found - back to control panel.
The only way to get to my webshop seems to put this in the browser:, and then i arrive at my VM control panel. I also can't find the place where i should set the position of the shop in my template, i think it is in the main module that i don't see.
When i try to add a new module in the module manager, i can choose Virtumart module, but then i get: Module XML-data not available.
It seems the installation is not complete or i keep doing something wrong??
Thanks in advance for helping out.

PS: i use Joomla 1.7 with Phoca Bild template, VM 1.9.8RC2G, Firefox 7.01, hosting at
Title: Re: Invisible Virtuemart component in admin panel
Post by: I on October 07, 2011, 09:47:37 AM
Really we two have this problem???

I uninstalled VM component, modules and plugins. Also I deleted all VM tabs in mysql.

After I installed new version com_virtuemart.1.9.8H and  mods_virtuemart_allinone.1.9.8g and deleted component virtuemart-aio (like described after installing)


Maybe someone find the solution?

Title: Re: Invisible Virtuemart component in admin panel
Post by: virtuassist on October 07, 2011, 12:33:26 PM
Felix, i was thinking about removing it all and than try to install an older version... But first i'll wait and hope the moderator or someone else knows a solution.
Title: Re: Invisible Virtuemart component in admin panel
Post by: PRO on October 07, 2011, 13:11:37 PM
what happens when you upgrade to version H?
Title: Re: Invisible Virtuemart component in admin panel
Post by: I on October 07, 2011, 13:54:25 PM
With out changes (I cant see component in admin menu).

After installation I saw error message "error building admin menus"
Title: Re: Invisible Virtuemart component in admin panel
Post by: jjk on October 07, 2011, 21:19:19 PM
There are a few things you can try:
1. Make shure you unzip ''. This file contains two installable files (this is the VM2 component) (this installs some VM2 modules and plugins)

2. In the past some people reported such problems when using mysqli. You can test if switching to mysql in the Joomla 1.7.1 configuration helps.

3. Delete all VirtueMart tables in the database and all VirtueMart folders and install it again. (However, usually it takes less time to create a new database with phpmyadmin and then install a fresh Joomla 1.7.1 using your new database and VirtueMart 1.9.8.H
Title: Re: Invisible Virtuemart component in admin panel
Post by: Milbo on October 07, 2011, 22:36:15 PM
Quote from: jjk on October 07, 2011, 21:19:19 PM
3. Delete all VirtueMart tables in the database and all VirtueMart folders and install it again. (However, usually it takes less time to create a new database with phpmyadmin and then install a fresh Joomla 1.7.1 using your new database and VirtueMart 1.9.8.H

First you never need todo that, NEVER ! You can always use the tools provided in vm2. Just use "Reset all tables
and do a fresh install". It drops all tables for you, you dont need todo that manually. The installer ALWAYS overwrites all files and updates the database layout for you, start this manually using "Install tables or if necessary update them".

BUT, this all wont help, because the error is done by joomla and happens only in j1.7.

You must look in your _extension table of joomla and delete there the line with virtuemart/com_virtuemart in it. Then take a look on the table _menu and delete the lines with index.php?option=com_virtuemart or title= virtuemart.

Then install again and hope that it works. HAHA. We are happy, when someone knows how to avoid this error.

The error seems to be connected with language somehow. Sometimes it works, sometimes not. We work on this stuff next days.
Title: Re: Invisible Virtuemart component in admin panel
Post by: jjk on October 07, 2011, 23:49:34 PM
Quote from: Milbo on October 07, 2011, 22:36:15 PM
You must look in your _extension table of joomla and delete there the line with virtuemart/com_virtuemart in it. Then take a look on the table _menu and delete the lines with index.php?option=com_virtuemart or title= virtuemart.

HiHi..., I did that several times in the past (mostly in J1.6.x, if I remember correctly), because uninstalling VM2 didn't clean up everything, like some unused files, modules, etc. which were not included in VM2's installer xml files. And doing this I found that doing fresh installs of Joomla and VM2 and then import my current database usually took less time. However, that's many weeks ago...:-)

BTW - I'll probably be offline the next two days
Title: Re: Invisible Virtuemart component in admin panel
Post by: Milbo on October 08, 2011, 00:45:53 AM
Quote from: jjk on October 07, 2011, 23:49:34 PM
because uninstalling VM2 didn't clean up everything, like some unused files, modules, etc.

Hmm, I dont think that. the installer is deleting the whole directories. Only when you added somethig on your own. For me the whole thing is a joomla 1.7 error, because sometimes it works, sometimes not.
Title: Re: Invisible Virtuemart component in admin panel
Post by: virtuassist on October 08, 2011, 01:06:12 AM
thanks for your replies, i'm going to try this a.s.a.p. and get back to you with the result
Title: Re: Invisible Virtuemart component in admin panel
Post by: jjk on October 08, 2011, 08:43:55 AM
Quote from: Milbo on October 08, 2011, 00:45:53 AM
For me the whole thing is a joomla 1.7 error, because sometimes it works, sometimes not.
Perhaps this one is somehow releated. I still have an entry in the Joomla 1.7.1 menu manager stating "Component 'com_virtuemart' does not exist", although it says "Menu item checked in successfully" (this message is visible in the screenshot, because I just had clicked on the padlock symbol for menu items not checked in). If I do something else in VM2 and look at the menu manager again later, I frequently find one or more VM2 menu items checked out again. However, that doesn't seem to stop them from working in my case.

Until recently, all of the VM2 menu items were labled "Component_com_virtuemart does not exist". (I'm not 100 percent shure if all or most of them were carried this label)

[attachment cleanup by admin]
Title: Re: Invisible Virtuemart component in admin panel
Post by: Milbo on October 08, 2011, 09:56:50 AM
hmm we should write a bug report to the j1.7 guys.
Title: Re: Invisible Virtuemart component in admin panel
Post by: jjk on October 08, 2011, 10:15:44 AM
Just found that the padlock symbol for "checked out" in Joomla is harmless: (
but that doesn't explain why I have a menu item labled "Component 'com_virtuemart' does not exist"
Title: Re: Invisible Virtuemart component in admin panel
Post by: PRO on October 09, 2011, 15:52:34 PM
I have other extensions that have done this with J1.7. It seems to be 1.7
Title: Re: Invisible Virtuemart component in admin panel
Post by: virtuassist on October 09, 2011, 21:43:00 PM
So... i found out how to delete the lines in the tables, but nothing changed. And than i accidentely deleted the whole extensions table (yeah... i know...!), so after that i decided to start all over again. I deleted/uninstalled all: Joomla, the Phoca template that i didn't like 100% and the Virtuemart install. I've got an other template now, a fresh clean Joomla 1.7 install and a german webshop component, and it all works fine.
Thanks again for the replies and the help!
Title: Re: Invisible Virtuemart component in admin panel
Post by: Milbo on October 09, 2011, 22:37:36 PM
Quote from: virtuassist on October 09, 2011, 21:43:00 PM
install and a german webshop component, and it all works fine.
Thanks again for the replies and the help!
? btw virtuemart is german also (at least the founder and the leader), or what do you mean?
Title: Re: Invisible Virtuemart component in admin panel
Post by: virtuassist on October 10, 2011, 00:05:27 AM
Sorry, I wasn't sure if you guys would appreciate if i said which one. Joomshopping from MaxxMarketing GmbH. Anyway, my problem is solved, i hope Felix's problem too, since he started the topic.

Besides I would like to point out that my first choice was Virtuemart, but since i don't really know coding, and php and sql and all that, and i couldn't get it installed properly without it, and since i didn't want to do the trial & error thing for days and days, i chose an other one. Maybe later, when i'm more experienced, i will return  :)
Title: Re: Invisible Virtuemart component in admin panel
Post by: Milbo on October 10, 2011, 20:42:57 PM

It is afaik just a j1.7 error, when the installer indicates that it is written for j1.5 and is using the update method or when the component name is not using COM_VIRTUEMART.
The simpel solution would be to provide a pure j1.7 installer, when we do not find a workaround we have todo this for the final release.
Title: Re: Invisible Virtuemart component in admin panel
Post by: I on October 11, 2011, 08:31:32 AM
Thank you guys for tried to help, but all suggestions not work  :(

Currently I working on other parts of my site, and hope that after some time this error will be solved, whether it is a bug in Joomla or VirtueMart.

Have a nice day!

Kind regards,
Title: Re: Invisible Virtuemart component in admin panel
Post by: Milbo on October 13, 2011, 00:47:20 AM
Just for information to gather the threads, here is the old thread about this problem

and some more information
Title: Re: Invisible Virtuemart component in admin panel (Error building Admin Menus)
Post by: Milbo on October 13, 2011, 21:13:11 PM
Good news, looks like I fixed it. But I need more test installations
Title: Re: Invisible Virtuemart component in admin panel (Error building Admin Menus)
Post by: Clef on December 20, 2011, 01:52:33 AM
Hate to say it, but just got the "Error when building menu" message on 2.0.0 Release with Joomla! 1.7.3, had ensured was set to MySQL as well  :'(

Can load if I go to the page directly, but not in any menus...

Any ideas?
Title: Re: Invisible Virtuemart component in admin panel (Error building Admin Menus)
Post by: Clef on December 20, 2011, 04:06:52 AM
Very odd, it was a fresh install (I had only installed a template), but after uninstalling and reinstalling Joomla from scratch, THEN immediately loading virtuemart it worked fine...

Mark as fixed, but not sure why it didn't work the first time?
Title: Re: Invisible Virtuemart component in admin panel (Error building Admin Menus)
Post by: PRO on December 21, 2011, 18:12:03 PM
Clef, I had the same problem with J1.7 with many components

akeebah, and many more.