Hi VM dev team. Just checking in to see if there is a rough/set date for 2.0 release, ready for live sites?
I did read in the follow thread that release date will be somewhere around the 20th of July?:
On July,1 - JKK said: Stable is due in less than 3 weeks.
Can anyone confirm please?
He meant Joomla 1.7 not virtuemart 2.0
We want release today the RC2. but one last problem is hindering us todo it. The RC is almost like the final.
Any news on RC2? Do you have an expected release date now (solved this last issue)?
We are on the last step before final revision. you can download it here
last release today is http://dev.virtuemart.net/attachments/download/312/virtuemart1.9.8.RC2d_extract_first.zip